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Challenges Are Beautiful: The Shortlist

This article is more than 12 years old
David McCandless showcases entries he's judged for the data visualisation challenge. What do you think?

A couple of weeks ago, Information Is Beautiful launched a creative challenge with the Datablog.

Can you visualise the financial crisis? Help us understand, see and generally comprehend what's going on? We gave you the data. You supplied the creativity.

We had hundreds of entries from all around the world in three categories: design, interactive and napkin (a conceptual sketch for people who can't design).

Thanks to everyone for their incredible efforts. We'll announce the winners on Friday.

Until then, here's the long shortlist. Which one is your favourite - or could you do better?

Design entries

Challenges are beautiful - Alex Murrell
Challenges are beautiful entry by Alex Murrell Photograph: Guardian

European Unemployment by Alex Murrell

Challenges are beautiful entry by Ben Willers
Challenges are beautiful entry by Ben Willers Photograph: Guardian

€uro Recession by Ben Willers

Challenges are beautiful entry by Hang Io
Challenges are beautiful entry by Hang Io Photograph: Guardian

Euro Debt Crisis by Hang Io

Challenges are beautiful entry by Erik Boertjes
Challenges are beautiful entry by Erik Boertjes Photograph: Guardian

Eurocrisis 2011 - The Outliers by Erik Boertjes

Challenges are beautiful entry by Jane Pong
Challenges are beautiful entry by Jane Pong Photograph: Guardian

Emerging Volatility in the Eurozone Crisis by Jane Pong

Challenges are beautiful entry by Severino
Challenges are beautiful entry by Severino Photograph: Guardian

Eropean Debt Crisis: GDP & Debt by Severino

Challenges are beautiful entry by Stahl Timmins
Challenges are beautiful entry by Stahl Timmins Photograph: Guardian

European D€bt by Will Stahl-Timmins

Challenges are beautiful entry by Brain Julin
Challenges are beautiful entry by Brain Julin Photograph: Guardian

Punching the Clock by Brian S. Julin

Challenges are beautiful entry- Ben Croker
Challenges are beautiful entry by Ben Croker Photograph: Guardian

The European Debt Crisis, Unfolded by Ben Croker

Challenges are beautiful entry by Wayne do Rego
Challenges are beautiful entry by Wayne do Rego Photograph: Guardian

Ready… Debt… Go! by Wayne Do Rego & Alex Seaton

Challenges are beautiful entry by David Farrell
Challenges are beautiful entry by David Farrell Photograph: Guardian

SpecuNations by David Farrell

Napkin entries

Challenges are beautiful entry - Julian Opitz
Challenges are beautiful entry - Julian Opitz Photograph: Guardian

Beware of the Debts by Julian Opitz

Challenges are beautiful entry - Anita Dembinsky
Challenges are beautiful entry - Anita Dembinsky Photograph: Guardian

Is the Eurozone living the Sisyphus Myth? by Anita Dembinsky

Challenges are beautiful entry - Jomanainen
Challenges are beautiful entry - Jomanainen Photograph: Guardian

Eurocrisis Key by Anna-Kaisa Jornanainen and data from the Datablog

Challenges are beautiful entry - Sharon Lin
Challenges are beautiful entry - Sharon Lin Photograph: Guardian

Eurozone Crisis - How does it relate to you? by Sharon Lin

Challenges are beautiful entry - Vivek Sharma
Challenges are beautiful entry - Vivek Sharma Photograph: Guardian

Financial Universe by Vivek Sharma and Prashant Balasubramanian

Interactive entries

Challenges are beautiful entry - Interactives
Challenges are beautiful entry - Interactives Photograph: Guardian

Money Panic by Simon Glover

European Bubbles by Krist Wongsuphasawat

Eurodebts by Eivind Ingebrigtsen, Vigleik Norheim

The Eurozone Bubble by Peter Curet

Eurozone Crisis Chain Reaction by Sofia Miguel Rosa

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