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Information is Beautiful on books everyone should read
Information is Beautiful on books everyone should read. Click image for graphic
Information is Beautiful on books everyone should read. Click image for graphic

Information is Beautiful on the books everyone must read

This article is more than 13 years old

Which books should everyone read? Information is Beautiful’s David McCandless shows how graphics have the answer

Do Top 100 Books polls and charts agree on a set of classics?  I scraped
the results of over 15 notable book polls, readers surveys and top 100's. Both popular and high-brow. They included all Pulitzer Prize winners, Desert Island Discs choices from recent years, Oprah's Bookclub list, and, of course, The Guardian's Top 100 Books of All Time. A  simple frequency analysis on the gathered titles gives us a neat 'consensus cloud' visualisation of the most mentioned books titles across the polls. Do you agree with the consensus?

Check the data and analysis here:

Research: David McCandless & Miriam Quick
Additional Design: Matt Hancock

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I run, dedicated to visualising information, ideas, stories and data. Twitter @infobeautiful
This an updated page from my book of infographic exploria, Information Is Beautiful. In the US, the book's called The Visual Miscellaneum

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