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Information is Beautiful on Doha and carbon emissions
Information is Beautiful on Doha and carbon emissions. Click image to embiggen
Information is Beautiful on Doha and carbon emissions. Click image to embiggen

How Many Gigatons of Carbon Dioxide? The Information is Beautiful guide to Doha

This article is more than 11 years old
Gigatons of CO2. Global temperature rises. Carbon budgets. What does it all mean?
More data journalism and data visualisations from the Guardian

The climate change talks in Doha are emitting a gigaton of graphs, statistics and numerical predictions.

We've scooped all the numbers together and condensed them into a single diagram. It lays out the perils and potential effects of our global CO2 habit - and the urgency to balance our "carbon budget".

The Data

While simple, the graphic is based on tonnes of the latest research and calculations. See it all in this dataset:


Carbon Tracker InitiativeInternational Energy Agency (IEA)Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007 (PDF), NASA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)National Research Council (PDF), Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact ResearchWorld Bank (PDF), European Commission Joint Research Centre (PDF), our own calcs


Concept & design: David McCandless
Research: Miriam Quick, Ella Hollowood
Additional design: Kathryn Ariel Kay, Paulo Estriga

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We are, dedicated to visualising information, ideas, stories and data. Twitter @infobeautiful. The updated 2nd Edition of our book of infographic exploria, is called Information Is Beautiful. (HarperCollins 2012). In the US, the book's called The Visual Miscellaneum

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