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Michael Ashcroft

November 2017

  • Paradise Papers
    Lord Ashcroft hides in toilets to avoid questions on tax – video

  • Lord Ashcroft

    Paradise Papers
    Lord Ashcroft used offshore trust to shelter wealth while Tory peer

September 2016

  • St Helena Airport construction

    British Airways flight struggles to land on St Helena runway – video

  • The new runway at St Helena

    St Helena islanders want compensation over unusable new £285m airport

August 2016

  • Lord Ashcroft’s BBI and BCS in Belize have been blacklisted by US tax authorities.

    Belize offshore secrecy ill at ease with UK politics and US authorities

  • A catamaran passes a sandy caye off Belize

    Lord Ashcroft's Belize bank hit by wave of withdrawals

June 2016

  • Prime minister David Cameron and his wife Samantha outside 10 Downing Street after the Conservatives’ 2015  general election victoryi

    The Guardian view on policing elections: harder, but no less important

    Editorial: Vote-harvesting and micro-targeting make it more and more difficult to monitor election spending accurately. But it is essential to get it right

May 2016

  • Nigel Farage, the Ukip leader, campaigns in Bolton for votes to leave the European Union.

    Nearly two-thirds of voters think UK will remain in EU, Ashcroft poll finds

    Tory peer’s research reveals sharp divisions in voting intentions of young and old, and by party affiliation

March 2016

  • Salman Rushdie with his ex-wife Padma Lakshmi

    Sweet revenge – a dish best served in a memoir

    As Salman Rushdie’s ex-wife Padma Lakshmi exposes details of their marriage, we look at other dirt-dishing tales

December 2015

  • Roll up … Frankie, your no-nonsense quizmaster is here.

    G2 quiz of 2015
    Frankie Boyle’s quiz of 2015

    Which public figure looks like a moustache drawn on an extended middle finger? Who was behind the ‘pig-gate’ allegations? Can you spot a fake grime star? The comedian and columnist lays down a caustic end of year challenge ...

November 2015

  • The giant sculpture of David Cameron and the pig’s head. Lewes’ Bonfire night celebrations have previously featured effigies of Muammar Gaddafi, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un.

    Effigy of David Cameron and pig's head to burn at Lewes Bonfire night display

    Wooden model of naked prime minister with animal’s head follows claims of dining club initiation in book by Lord Ashcroft

October 2015

  • Lord Ashcroft made the announcement via a special video report made in Belize.

    Lord Ashcroft misses David Cameron biography launch due to serious illness

  • David Cameron with piglet

    Critical eye
    Book reviews roundup: Call Me Dave; Margaret Thatcher: The Authorised Biography, Volume Two; The Gap of Time

  • Call Me Dave digested read illustration Matt Blease

    Digested read
    Call Me Dave by Michael Ashcroft and Isabel Oakeshott – digested read

  • Brought to book … is Call Me Dave co-author Isabel Oakeshott retreating from her claims about David Cameron?

    Media Monkey
    Isabel Oakeshott runs squealing from David Cameron #piggate claims

  • Call Me Dave by Michael Ashcroft and Isabel Oakeshott review – a pig in a poke

  • Guardian Opinion cartoon
    Steve Bell on David Cameron’s conference speech – cartoon

  • Cameron ignored high-level warnings about Andy Coulson, Ashcroft claims

  • Politics live with Andrew Sparrow
    Today at the Conservative party conference – as it happened

  • The Guardian view on the Conservative conference: Tories should enjoy the moment

About 342 results for Michael Ashcroft