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Amy Vickers

  • Capital and MSN clinch web radio deal

  • New media diary

  • Morris quits 365

    11.45am: Simon Morris, a co-founder of 365 Corporation, has left the troubled internet media and telecoms company, writes Amy Vickers.

  • Prize-winning farming site folds

    5.30pm: New Media Age has been left with egg on its face by the demise of, writes Amy Vickers.
    Special report: dot.coms and dot.gones

  • Harrods owner wins cybersquatting case

    12.30pm: Mohamed Al Fayed has been given something to cheer about after winning a landmark cybersquatting case, writes Amy Vickers.

  • Troubled Scoot enjoys revenue boost

    10am: has attempted to gloss over its woes by reporting increased revenues, reports Amy Vickers.
    27.06.2001: Scoot axes jobs
    07.06.2001: Vivendi rejects chance to buy Scoot

  • Davina launches website

  • BBC spends £52m on web services

  • BBC1 ratings fall to all-time low

  • Worldwide hands back £96m to Beeb

  • Granada teams up with Lastminute

  • BBC floats pay-per-view plan for heavy users

  • TVNewsweb stranded by investors

  • Elton John gig to go live online

  • Big Brother plays down 'rigged vote' speculation

    3.15pm: Big Brother's producers have downplayed speculation that the vote that booted Bubble out of the house on Friday was rigged, writes Amy Vickers.

    25.06.2001: Channel 4 probes Big Brother hoax
    Special report: Big Brother

  • New media diary

  • UBC strikes digital radio deal

    10.30am: The maker of the Pepsi Chart Show, has signed a lucrative contract to provide interactive news services for digital radio. By Amy Vickers.

June 2001

  • NTL unveils broadband plans

    5pm: Cable operator NTL has unveiled plans for high-speed internet access using its existing digital set-top boxes, writes Amy Vickers.

    26.06.2001: Broadband price set to rise

  • Broadband price set to rise

    3.30pm: The cost of broadband internet access in the UK is about to get even more expensive, writes Amy Vickers.

  • Slimmed-down Survivor fails to impress

    TV overnights: ITV's Survivor has failed to pick up new viewers since it dropped to one episode a week, writes Amy Vickers.

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