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Joseph Harker

Joseph Harker is the Guardian's senior editor, diversity and development. He is a former editor and publisher of the weekly newspaper, Black Briton

October 2014

  • windrush black comment is free

    Talking shop
    A day of difference for Comment is free

    Joseph Harker
    Joseph Harker: On the final day of Black History Month we’ve given the section over to black contributors – and it won’t be a discussion about ‘race’

September 2014

  • Dr Olivet Buck

    Why are western health workers with Ebola flown out, but locals left to die?

    Joseph Harker
    Joseph Harker: The death of Dr Olivet Buck after the WHO refused to fly her out of Sierra Leone is not just wrong: it’s making the Ebola epidemic worse

February 2014

  • samuel jackson

    It's not just Samuel L Jackson – we've all had those 'we all look alike' moments

    Joseph Harker
    Joseph Harker: Reporter Sam Rubin confusing Jackson with Laurence Fishburne is an all-too-common mistake that reminds black people of our outsider status

October 2013

  • Jessica Ennis with the Olumpics banner

    From Roy Hodgson to Carol Thatcher, this fixation on celebrity gaffes tells us nothing about racism

    Joseph Harker

    Joseph Harker: Britain is a nation in denial. While celebrity stories grab the headlines, true discrimination is thriving and largely ignored

June 2013

  • Stephen Lawrence: family smear campaign was complete police betrayal

    Joseph Harker
  • Amol Rajan

    Amol Rajan will have his work cut out to change the face of the Independent

    Joseph Harker

May 2013

  • It's time to face up to the problem of sexual abuse in the white community

    Joseph Harker

    Joseph Harker: From Stuart Hall to north Wales, the issue won't go away. If you think I'm being ridiculous, read to the end of my argument

September 2012

  • John Terry

    The FA finding John Terry guilty resolves nothing

    Joseph Harker

    Joseph Harker: The case leaves observers believing either an innocent man is being unfairly punished or a guilty man has escaped justice

July 2012

  • Five men found guilty of child sex abuse

    This is how racism takes root

    Joseph Harker

    Joseph Harker: The different ways the media covered two cases of men grooming children for sex show how shockingly easy it is to demonise a whole community

June 2012

  • Winners at the Rare Rising Stars awards

    Our black youngsters: how often do you hear the good news?

    Joseph Harker

    Joseph Harker: The media create a damaging stereotype, portraying black youths as criminally minded underachievers

March 2012

  • English Defence League protest

    Don't jail tweeters – that's not where the real racist problem lies

    Joseph Harker
  • George Osborne

    The cuts get personal
    A child benefit rethink is welcome news for big families

    Joseph Harker

February 2012

  • Woman cacuuming in conference room

    What should work experience look like?

    Joseph Harker
    Debate rages over whether government programmes offer genuine help for jobless people or if they are simply exploitative

December 2011

  • Stained glass window

    Comment advent calendar 2011
    For all its flaws, religion remains a force for good

    Joseph Harker
    Joseph Harker: Season of goodwill: I'd rather have a reminder of what I should be striving for than hear no message at all

October 2011

  • mixed race baby

    Beware this new mixed-race love-in

    Joseph Harker

    Joseph Harker: I'm glad that attitudes to mixed-race people have changed, but does it all mask a subtler kind of racism?

August 2011

  • phil disley illo 11/08/2011

    For black Britons, this is not the 80s revisited. It's worse

    Joseph Harker

    Joseph Harker: Our MPs are 'on message', our media in decline and the Commission for Racial Equality abolished. Who speaks for us?

June 2011

  • Being black and middle class doesn't mean you face less prejudice

    Joseph Harker

    Joseph Harker: Social status and wealth don't protect people from prejudice, new research reveals. Race is not a subset of class

March 2011

  • 1964, New York, James Brown

    The census? I'll tick the 'African' box

    Joseph Harker

    Joseph Harker: I'll declare that I'm not just a colour and prefer to be defined by history

February 2011

  • Joseph Harker’s daughter, Chioma (foreground) and Justin Bieber

    Film blog
    Justin Bieber's Never Say Never: now I'm a Belieber (nearly)

    Joseph Harker: My daughter almost collapsed with emotion when Justin Bieber brushed past at his film premiere. And I'm beginning to see why

December 2010

  • Beware of the bearded white man

    Joseph Harker
    Joseph Harker: That young white man with the rucksack, is he a terrorist? I can't help wonder after news of the white British al-Qaida members
About 152 results for Joseph Harker
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