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Len McCluskey

Len McCluskey was general secretary of the union Unite from 2011-21

March 2012

  • Tanker divers set to back strike

    All striking tanker drivers want is responsible minimum standards

    Len McCluskey
  • George Osborne budget

    The panel
    Budget 2012: the experts' verdict

    Alan Johnson, Simon Hughes, Ann Pettifor, Len McCluskey, Ian Birrell, Nicholas Shaxson, Ruth Lea, Alison Garnham, Stuart Fraser and Anna Bird

January 2012

  • Prime Minister's Questions

    Ed Miliband's leadership is threatened by this Blairite policy coup

    Len McCluskey
    Len McCluskey: By embracing cuts, Ed Balls and Ed Miliband have left all those who stand against them disenfranchised

November 2011

  • strike-pensions

    Wednesday's strike is just the start

    Len McCluskey
    Len McCluskey: The day of action is a rebuke to an elite that gives money to banks at the expense of the poor

September 2011

  • TUC national demonstration

    TUC conference: what's in store

    Frances O'Grady, Dave Prentis, Len McCluskey, Helen Flanagan, Dan Hodges

    Frances O'Grady, Dave Prentis, Len McCluskey, Helen Flanagan, Dan Hodges: As the TUC conference begins, union leaders and leftwing commentators discuss what the main themes will be

July 2011

  • George Osborne - GDP figures published

    The panel
    GDP figures: the verdict

    Martin Kettle, Len McCluskey, Matthew Oakley, Ann Pettifor

    Martin Kettle, Len McCluskey, Matthew Oakley, Ann Pettifor: Our panel delivers four assessments of the economic growth figures for the second quarter of 2011

May 2011

  • British Airways

    Unions work – this BA deal proves it

    Len McCluskey
    Len McCluskey: The settling of the dispute at British Airways shows unions are still strong, and that negotiation is still the best way to resolution

April 2011

  • Rebel Libyan fighters in Brega on their way to battle against loyalist troops

    This Libyan intervention must stop

    Len McCluskey
    Len McCluskey: Rather than pumping up a civil war, our government should be pushing for a ceasefire and international mediation

December 2010

  • Unions, get set for battle

    Len McCluskey
    Len McCluskey: We must join students in a broad strike movement to combat attempts to strangle the welfare state

September 2010

  • Union support for Ed Miliband was no block vote

    Len McCluskey

    Len McCluskey: Thousands of individual working men and women voted for the new Labour leader – now the party must reconnect with them

March 2010

  • Don't blame British Airways cabin crew

    Len McCluskey
    Len McCluskey: It was BA's management who pulled the deal off the table. How does this serve the airline or staff?
About 31 results for Len McCluskey