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Tristram Hunt

Tristram Hunt is director of the Victoria & Albert Museum. He is a former Labour MP for Stoke-on-Trent Central and a former shadow education secretary. 

June 2013

  • Classroom

    Why does Michael Gove not want me in schools?

    Tristram Hunt
  • William Morris Gallery

    Don't patronise urban communities – give them the William Morris Gallery

    Tristram Hunt

May 2013

  • SOCIAL Stamp/Coronation

    Dreams of a new Elizabethan age faded into the end of empire

    Tristram Hunt
  • Niall Ferguson, Tristram Hunt

    History is where the great battles of public life are now being fought

    Tristram Hunt

March 2013

  • thatcher mitterrand

    The Real Iron Lady: Working with Margaret Thatcher – review

    There are some gems in this insider view of life with Mrs T, though it's essentially hagiography says Tristram Hunt

February 2013

  • Imperial Federation

    Israel, Palestine and the mapping of power

    Tristram Hunt
  • Emma Bridgewater,pottery,Stoke on Trent,polka dot

    Stoke-on-Trent travel tips: Wedgwood and the industrial revolution

January 2013

  • Prince Harry in Afghanistan

    Is Harry an old-fashioned warrior prince?

    Prince Harry's candid admission that he has killed insurgents during his tour of duty in Afghanistan places him in a long line of royals who have bloodied their hands in warfare

October 2012

  • Birmingham’s Council House

    The threat to local government's heroic, civilising role

    Tristram Hunt
  • Eric Hobsbawm

    Eric Hobsbawm brought to life lost voices and placed reality centre stage

September 2012

  • street party

    The Virtuous Citizen: Patriotism in a Multicultural Society by Tim Soutphommasane – review

    A call for 'progressive patriotism' is a persuasive if sometimes dry read, says Tristram Hunt

August 2012

  • Students to pay  70 a week rent

    Universities can't do everything. Reinvent the polytechnic

    Tristram Hunt
    Tristram Hunt: True equality between vocational and academic education calls for a plan for some form of polytechnic-style capacity

July 2012


    Olympic pageant riled the right by showing the reality of new Britain

    Tristram Hunt
  • The 2012 London Olympic Games, Opening Ceremony, Britain - 27 Jul 2012

    Olympic opening ceremony: Tristram Hunt's review

May 2012

  • New Elizabethans: Winston Churchill and JK Rowling

    Queen Elizabeth II: how will our age be remembered?

    If the first Elizabethans could be defined as poets and adventurers, who are the people who exemplify the age of our current monarch? And what, in 21st-century Britain, do they stand for?

February 2012

  • Hassault Rafale jet fighters

    India as 'cricket and curries'? That won't help win a fighter jet bid

    Tristram Hunt

    Tristram Hunt: The right is outraged by India awarding a fighter jet contract to the French, but it is this arrogance that damages our relationship

January 2012

  • david cameron

    Britain has socialism in its psyche, too

    Tristram Hunt
  • Black and white photograph of John Bright

    John Bright: Statesman, Orator, Agitator by Bill Cash – review

November 2011

  • St Nicholas Abbey, Barbados

    Colonial riches in Barbados

    It's a favourite with Simon Cowell, Michael Winner and local hero Rihanna, but historian Tristram Hunt thinks it's time to look at the other side of Barbados

August 2011

  • If we have no history, we have no future

    Tristram Hunt
    Tristram Hunt: This elimination of our national story in many of our schools is nothing short of a tragedy
About 285 results for Tristram Hunt