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War in the North
Lord of the Rings: War in the North ... Tweety takes his final revenge on Sylvester
Lord of the Rings: War in the North ... Tweety takes his final revenge on Sylvester

The Lord of the Rings: War in the North – review

This article is more than 12 years old
Xbox 360/PS3/PC; £29.99-£39.99; cert 18+; Snowblind/Warner Bros Interactive

A co-op hack-n-slash adventure set in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings universe? On paper, War in the North sounds like a genre classic. On screen, sadly, the promise remains largely unfulfilled.

Initially, things look promising. Choosing from one of three characters – melee (dwarf warrior), ranged fighter and a mage – the game quickly throws you into the orc-bashing action that makes up the majority of the play. Luckily then the combat is pretty satisfying.

Perhaps over-familiarity helps, but the mix of melee, range and critical strikes is exactly what you would expect and allows you to easily wreak havoc. It's gory havoc too, with dismembered limbs flying around an often bloody environment.

Unfortunately, collision problems crop up too often in the heat of the battle. One minute you're clouting your foe with a big hammer, the next you're swiping air with no obvious reason why.

As with all games like this, the action can get repetitive. Run into area, slaughter orcs or troll, grab baubles and move on. No surprises here.

Of course, the driving force is new loot and character progression. It's relatively easy to forgive the repetition when you get a new shiny sword or glowing power every so often. Upgrading weapons and armour is mildly addictive too, although far too simplistic to become properly compulsive. At least your character does look the part as you grab new gear and loot. And there are plenty of goodies to go round, even if they do lose their potency quicker than you may think.

Multiplayer is where the game comes alive, or at least wakes from a stupor. Playing online can be an issue if your team is a higher or lower level than you; it will either be too hard or too easy. Because of this, offline play comes recommended.

The split-screen action is a welcome reminder that multiplayer needn't involve a modem. There's something special about offline multiplayer – nostalgia? a greater sense of teamwork? – which means the game's biggest fans are likely to be those who can play this way.

War in the North
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North

Multiplayer in all its forms is where the game works best, though. The computer, AI, does an OK job, but the action only really comes alive when two or three gamers are teamed up. This is especially true given the game's later difficulty spikes. Taming these is easier and more satisfying with a human-controlled team. Poorly paced save positions serve to punish and antagonise if you fail.

The game itself looks surprisingly pretty. OK, the dark hues and gritty art design won't win any originality awards, but the vistas are impressive and the locations varied enough not to outstay their welcome.

Familiar locations from the books – such as Rivendell – are here, although they never offer enough depth to deter you from driving forward in the action. The weak storyline is a disappointment, too. Yes, the action doesn't really require deep characterisation but given the source material it feels like a missed opportunity.

Once you finish the campaign you can play the game again with all your new gear (and harder enemies), but War in the North doesn't really warrant the effort. However in short doses and with a good team, War in the North is not without its compulsive charms.

But with Skyrim – and to a lesser extent the new Zelda – keeping fantasy role-players more than happy this Christmas you wonder where War in the North can fit in. The January sales may be the best hope for this one.

Game reviewed on Xbox 360

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