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Google Glass

October 2014

  • A young woman wearing Google Glass

    Google Glass user treated for internet addiction caused by the device

  • Charles Arthur

    The Charles Arthur column
    Google Glass v Apple Watch: in form against function, Apple edges it over Google

    Charles Arthur

September 2014

  • Oculus Rift headset

    Media network blog
    New technology is fuelling the growth of gaming with social purpose

    One of the directors behind Grand Theft Auto, Navid Khonsari, explains why he believes that play will be more purposeful in the future
  • Google masterplan?

    Death, drones and driverless cars: how Google wants to control our lives

    Google seems to be reaching out of the internet and into every corner of the world. So what exactly does it want – and can it really be good for us?
  • Sony Smart EyeGlass

    Sony challenges Google Glass with its new 'Smart EyeGlass'

    Sony’s prototype smartglasses use a built-in projector to display text and images in both eyes, and includes cooking and maps apps. By Samuel Gibbs

August 2014

  • Kipper Williams

    Kipper Williams
    Kipper Williams on tech-savvy children

  • child technology

    Ofcom: six-year-olds understand digital technology better than adults

July 2014

  • The problem with wearable tech gadgets such as the Galaxy Gear is that it quickly becomes outdated a

    Media network blog
    Wearable technology hasn't taken off in the way it was expected to – why not?

  • Google Glass

    Google Glass to be used for one-off staging of Puccini's Turandot

  • internet of things

    The internet of things - the next big challenge to our privacy

  • no google glass

    The tech utopia nobody wants: why the world nerds are creating will be awful

    JR Hennessy
  • Technology blog
    Boot up: 3D printers in DIY stores, mobiles in parks, jailbreaking unrest

  • Google Glass banned in UK cinemas

June 2014

  • Harriet Gibsone tries out Google Glass at Glastonbury festival

    Google Glass-tonbury: how the festival looks through the latest gizmo - video

  • Dave Burke, a Google engineer, at the Google I/O developers conference.

    Google launches smartwatch at annual developer conference

  • Smartwatches running Google's Android Wear software are expected to be shown off at its I/O 2014 conference.

    Google I/O 2014: smartwatches, Google Fit – and Android Lollipop?

  • Google Glass guide Alice Gabon looks at other Google Glass.

    Engineering blog
    Creating Glassware for the Guardian

  • Google Glass go on sale in the UK for £1,000

  • Inside the Guardian
    The Guardian launches the Guardian for Glass

  • US cinema chain bans Google Glass over piracy fears

About 169 results for Google Glass