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Saturday interview

  • SHEFFIELD, 11 June 2018 - Magid Magid, green party councillor and Lord Mayor of Sheffield in the mayor's parlour at the town hall.
Christopher Thomond for The Guardian.

    Magid Magid, Sheffield’s lord mayor: ‘I’ve had a lot of stick, but I don’t care’

    The 28-year-old former refugee has become a viral sensation since being appointed to the role – and has won over his critics. ‘I decided to be myself,’ he says
  • Outgoing Greens co-leader Caroline Lucas

    Caroline Lucas on Heathrow and climate change: ‘The apocalypse is happening’

    The Brighton MP may be stepping down as co-leader of the Green party, but she is doing so to step up her fight against a third runway and to secure a ‘people’s vote’ on the EU
  • Ali Soufan

    Former FBI agent Ali Soufan: ‘Isis is not over – it will take a different shape’

    He spent eight years in counter-terrorism before his objection to the US’s use of torture led to his departure. Now, he says, the west must learn from its mistakes: ‘If we don’t, we will suffer for years to come’
  • Rose McGowan: ‘I went up against them. It was just not done.’

    Rose McGowan: ‘Hollywood is built on sickness. It operates like a cult’

    The former actor was one of the first to accuse producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault. Now she wants to change the entire industry’s attitude towards women. ‘I know I’m on the right course,’ she says
  • Ehud Barak. London. Photograph by David Levene 23/5/18

    Ehud Barak on the crisis in Israel: ‘Netanyahu has to resign’

    The former Israeli prime minister is a legend in his country thanks to his past military exploits. But he laments failing to establish a two-state solution
  • Hannah Critchlow, author and neuroscientist at Magdalene College, Cambridge.

    Neuroscientist Hannah Critchlow: ‘Consciousness is a really funny word’

    The Cambridge fellow on what it means to be human, the neurological benefits of running, artificial intelligence and why a simulated version of her might miss gnocchi
  • Dominic Grieve … flying the flag for a soft Brexit.

    Dominic Grieve on Boris Johnson and Brexit: ‘He should resign. Yes’

    The former Tory attorney general has been called a ‘traitor’ in the rightwing press for his refusal to accept a hard Brexit. But he remains committed to softening our exit from the EU – and says it is time for the foreign secretary to go
  • Jennifer Palmieri former White House Director of Communications and Director of Communications for the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign.

    PR boss Jennifer Palmieri: ‘We reduced Hillary to a female facsimile of a male president’

    The communications director who ran Clinton’s 2016 US election campaign says America was not ready for a woman in the White House – but it soon will be
  • APRIL-2018_LONDON: Saturday interview: Linton Kwesi Johnson, Dub poet . (Photograph by Graeme Robertson)

    Linton Kwesi Johnson: ‘It was a myth that immigrants didn’t want to fit into British society. We weren’t allowed’

    As the Jamaican-born dub poet reflects on decades of race relations in the UK, from the Brixton riots to Windrush, he says young black men carry knives out of fear, and questions how much progress we have made since his time as a teenage Black Panther
  • Hartwig Fischer, Director of the British Museum. He is German and the first non-British head of the museum since 1866. Photographed at the British Museum, 12 April 2018.

    British Museum director Hartwig Fischer: ‘There are no foreigners here – the museum is a world country’

    The German art historian reveals plans for an extensive revamp at Britain’s most visited attraction, but won’t be drawn on calls to return plundered works
  • APRIL-2018_LONDON: Rt Hon David Lammy MP, Member of Parliament for Tottenham.

(Photograph by Graeme Robertson)

    David Lammy: ‘Kids are getting killed. Where is the prime minister? Where is Sadiq Khan?’

    Following a shocking rise in violence in London in which four of his constituents died, the Tottenham MP is calling for politicians to admit the ‘war on drugs’ has failed – and that black lives matter
  • Andria Zafirakou for Saturday interview, Global teacher of the year winner 2018.

    Best teacher in the world Andria Zafirakou: ‘Build trust with your kids – then everything else can happen’

    After the London art teacher won her $1m prize, she was showered with praise by Theresa May and the education secretary – but she is exactly the kind of teacher this government actively discourages
  • Radio 1 DJ Greg James is attempting a Pedal to the Peaks challenge for Sport Relief - climbing three of the highest peaks in the UK, and cycling the distances between them. Greg was forced to abandon the challenge in early March 2018 because of extreme weather.

    Radio 1’s Greg James: ‘It was like a balloon popping. I was choked up'

    The DJ has just finished his epic – snow postponed – Sport Relief challenge and talks about the anguish of not finishing first time around, why radio is like ‘plumbing’ and the joy of paying tax
  • Paul Johnson - Institute for Fiscal Studies

    Economist Paul Johnson: ‘We are nowhere near out of austerity'

    As the man relied on to make sense of the numbers in the chancellor’s spring statement, the IFS director warns that cuts have taken Britain to crunch point – and that Brexit will make it worse
  • Max Mosley

    Max Mosley: ‘It is perfectly legitimate to offer immigrants financial inducements to go home’

    The former motor-sport boss and privacy campaigner has spent the week denying he is racist after the emergence of an explosive election leaflet from 1961. So is he ready to apologise?
  • FEB-2018_LONDON; Bridget Louise Christie is an English stand-up comedian, actor and writer.
(Photograph by Graeme Robertson)

    Bridget Christie: ‘I am a white, able-bodied, heterosexual woman. Do I have a right to be angry? Yes!’

    The world’s anxieties are bleeding into her personal life, but the comedian is done with political despair. Ahead of her new tour, she explains why it’s time to bring something new to the table
  • Mark Goldring, chief executive of Oxfam GB since May 2013. Photographed at Oxfam's headquarters in Oxford, 14 February 2018

    Oxfam boss Mark Goldring: ‘Anything we say is being manipulated. We’ve been savaged'

    The Haiti sex scandal has engulfed the charity in a crisis unprecedented in its 76-year-history. After a week of sleepless nights and as attacks on aid escalate, its CEO is fighting to save Oxfam’s reputation in a new climate of public distrust
  • FEB- 2018_LONDON;  Kevin Bridges , Scottish Comic.
(Photography by Graeme Robertson)

    Comedian Kevin Bridges: ‘I thought maybe this is the end, it's been a great 11 years'

    After a meteoric rise from his bravado-driven debut as a teenager on a Glaswegian stage, the comic tells how he became burnt-out and ended up ‘in a dark place – reading self-help books.’ He nearly quit just two years ago, but has now found his groove at 31
  • .<br>Claire Kober 01-02-2018 Photograph by Martin Godwin

    Haringey boss Claire Kober: 'The argument that I’m incompetent would not have been used if I were a man'

    The London council leader has resigned amid claims of sexist bullying by Momentum members. Was she just the loser in a local politics row about regeneration – or is this the future of the Labour party?
  • .<br>Jude Kelly
Artistic Director of the Southbank Centre

Photograph by Martin Godwin

    Southbank director Jude Kelly: ‘Saying you’re a feminist is not enough’

    Fed up with curating a largely male canon of culture, the most powerful woman in British arts explains why she is stepping down from her job to shake up the status quo
About 494 results for Saturday interview