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National Trust for Scotland’s revamped Crathes Castle Rose Garden.
The rose garden at Crathes Castle, which is cared for by the National Trust for Scotland. Photograph: National Trust Scotland
The rose garden at Crathes Castle, which is cared for by the National Trust for Scotland. Photograph: National Trust Scotland

A cheaper way to join the National Trust if you’re over 60

This article is more than 4 months old

National Trust for Scotland | Voting ID | Gallery behaviour | True lies | Swiss army knife

I enjoyed your article on discounts for the over-60s (Money hacks, 7 May), but there’s an even better National Trust discount than the one included. Any UK resident can join the National Trust for Scotland and get the same benefits, but cheaper. It has a joint senior membership that comes in at £99.60 annually, and does not require being a member for the previous three years. It’s valid across the UK.
Jane Black

Peter Bottomley MP is right that the Electoral Commission recommended some form of voter ID (Letters, 6 May). But such restrictive forms of photo ID were not proposed. Millions of people do not have what is now required, and they do not need additional barriers to voting. The ID that can be used to collect a parcel at a post office (for example, a bank card or utility bill) or even the polling card issued to all voters should suffice.
Chris Rennard
Liberal Democrat, House of Lords

What’s even more sad than those using gallery audio guides (Letters, 7 May) are those visitors who go round an exhibition taking photos on their phones and not pausing to look properly at the paintings.
Jennifer Evans
Aldershot, Hampshire

Radhika Sanghani says she quit lying two years ago and hasn’t lied since (Why I quit, 6 May). How do we know if that’s true?
Philip Clarke
East Bridgford, Nottinghamshire

If a Swiss army knife has the knife removed (Report, 7 May), surely it must be renamed – any suggestions?
Stuart Harrington
Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset

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