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Sister criticises police after murdered student's body is found in church

This article is more than 17 years old
· Detained sex offender to be questioned today
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The sister of a Polish student found murdered in a church in Glasgow has criticised police for losing track of a serious sex offender who is due to be questioned today about the killing.

In a message posted on the internet, Aneta Kluk attacked the authorities for failing to maintain a close watch on Peter Tobin, a child rapist and sex offender, who went to ground more than 10 months ago while living in Scotland under supervision. Tobin, who was released early from a 14-year sentence for the rape and sexual assault of two teenage girls, is due to be questioned by Strathclyde police about the murder of Angelika Kluk, 23.

Tobin had been living in St Patrick's church in the Anderston area of Glasgow for the last two months under a pseudonym. The church was also home to Ms Kluk, a Polish language student who was spending the summer in Glasgow. She went missing last Monday and her remains were found under floorboards in the church on Friday evening.

Tobin was arrested by Scotland Yard on a warrant under the Sexual Offences Act from an address in London in the early hours of yesterday morning after police issued a photograph of him and revealed details of his violent past.

It emerged that although he was supposed to have been living in Scotland under supervision he had disappeared more than 10 months ago when a warrant was issued for his arrest. The public was never warned that Tobin was at large.

In a posting on the internet, Ms Kluk's sister Aneta, who lives in Glasgow, said: "How could police lose track of him in the electronic age?"

Detective Superintendent David Swindle, of Strathclyde police, said yesterday Ms Kluk had suffered a "particularly violent and horrific death".

He said officers from the investigation team were travelling to London last night and it was expected that Tobin would return to the Strathclyde police force area.

Det Supt Swindle added: "Mr Tobin, who was the last person that we are aware that saw Angelika, was arrested in London last night in relation to another matter. I would stress that the arrest is in connection with another matter and not with the murder of Angelika."

A forensic examination would continue at the church, he said. "This is very, very early on in the investigation. There are various lines to this investigation and we have an open mind as to who is responsible for it [the murder]."

Tobin had been living in his native Scotland since being released early from his 14-year sentence for the rape and sexual assault of two teenage girls in Hampshire. He had plied the 14-year-olds with drink and drugs before assaulting them while they lay unconscious in his flat, in what the trial judge said was the "worst case of its kind I have come across".

Living in the Paisley area, he was placed on the sexual offenders register. But he went to ground late last year, failing to register his address with police.

Two months ago Tobin turned up at St Patrick's church in the deprived inner city area of Anderston, where the priest, Father Gerry Nugent, operates an open door policy for those seeking shelter. Using the alias Pat McCloughlin, he was welcomed in and began to do odd jobs around the church. Fr Nugent said he saw Tobin, whom he knew as McLoughlin, last Sunday afternoon with Ms Kluk working in a garage near the church.

Ms Kluk was reported missing the following day when she failed to turn up to her job as a cleaner. When police questioned Tobin on Monday over the disappearance of Ms Kluk he used his false name and officers failed to recognise him as a wanted sex offender. Shortly afterwards Tobin disappeared. He was eventually detained in the early hours of yesterday by Scotland Yard at an address in London. In 1993 while being hunted for the rape and sexual assault of the two girls Tobin had evaded police for a month by joining a religious sect.

Yesterday an outpouring of sympathy from friends of Ms Kluk was posted on a website for the Polish community in Scotland. The languages student at Gdansk University had been due to return to Poland today for the start of the new term but instead friends in Scotland were organising a march in her memory to take place next Sunday. Floral tributes outside St Patrick's included one which said: "Angelika, I met you once and you just shone. Shine brightly and watch over Aneta and your dad from heaven."

Ms Kluk first visited Glasgow last year to spend time with her sister and her father and to earn money in the holidays. She was given a bed at St Patrick's where Fr Nugent offers accommodation for people from all communities.

Ms Kluk, who has a Scottish boyfriend, became a well known member of the congregation and built up a wide circle of Scottish friends.

Ronnie Convery, spokesman for the Archdiocese of Glasgow, said: "Archbishop Conti has asked the Polish chaplain in Glasgow to offer every pastoral assistance to Angelika's family and friends and to convey the sympathy and support of the whole archdiocese to the Polish community in this tragic situation."

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