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florida education
Students work at computer monitors at the interactive academy in Orlando, a graduate school of the University of Central Florida. Photograph: Paul Hennessy/Polaris
Students work at computer monitors at the interactive academy in Orlando, a graduate school of the University of Central Florida. Photograph: Paul Hennessy/Polaris

Florida universities offer competing options for Romney and Obama

This article is more than 11 years old
At the public University of Central Florida, tuition is cheap but amenities are few. Down the road at the private Full Sail, students pay more for a top-of-the-line education

With its steel and plate glass facade, the interactive entertainment academy at the University of Central Florida looks as far from the grassy quadrangle and belltower of a traditional college as it's possible to get.

Inside, small teams of students – artists, computer programmers and aspiring games producers – collaborate to acquire the skills needed to work in the video games industry. In one studio, a trio of students have created an iPad version of an Angry Birds-style game that involves firing dodos from a cannon.

Kyle Martin, lead artist on the dodo game, had borrowed $33,000 in a federal loan to pay for his year's tuition.

"FIEA has a really great success rate in terms of who gets hired," he said. "That by itself proves it's a great investment."

The campus is in Orlando, a city that is best known for its proximity to the world's most popular amusement park but is increasingly a centre for hi-tech industry, film, TV and gaming.

Ben Noel, director of the interactive entertainment academy, said: "Orlando has grown up around agriculture and tourism, low wage jobs. The people who had opportunities around here were the children of bankers, real estate lawyers and real estate developers.

"As we grow, there's very much a focus on economic development and high wage jobs. We're trying to build that infrastructure."

The US has one of the most highly educated workforces in the developed world. Across all age groups, only Canada, Israel, Japan and Russia have a higher proportion of college-educated workers. But many countries are catching up fast as more young people around the globe get an opportunity to go to university.

According to the OECD, 42% of young Americans have a college education _ far behind the world leader, Korea, where 65% of young people have a degree.

On current trends, the US will be overtaken by an increasing number of countries in coming years.

In a flatter world, that creates competitive pressure. The Obama administration has set a goal that, by 2020, the US will have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.

Democrats and Republicans agree that college should be more affordable and accessible, but differ on how to achieve this.

President Obama has raised the maximum Pell grant award available in the next academic year. The grant, intended for the neediest students, is the federal government's single biggest expenditure on education; of the 16.4m undergraduates at US colleges in 2010, 58% received Pell grants.

Mitt Romney argues that increased federal funding will feed the growth in college costs. He has indicated a narrowing of the Pell grant programme, saying that "a Romney administration will refocus Pell grant dollars on the students that need them most". Romney says that he will support "institutions that are pursuing innovative operating models to drive down costs".

Obama acknowledges the need to curb college costs, but favours using federal money as an incentive for good behaviour. He has proposed that some federal aid will be shifted away from colleges that fail to hold down net tuition – the costs paid by students after taking grants into account. The money, $10bn annually, will be used to reward colleges that "do their fair share" to keep tuition affordable, the president says.

Obama lobbied Congress this summer to extend the low interest rate on federal student loans, a move that was backed by Romney. Congress voted to extend the 3.4% rate on Stafford loans for another year - the interest rate would otherwise have doubled.

Meanwhile, state funding for public universities is under intense pressure. State government budgets have been squeezed by spending on programmes like Medicaid, the healthcare scheme for the poor. Universities, which can plug their funding gap by charging students more for tuition, are obvious targets for spending cuts.

Between 1992 and 2010, state funding dropped from 38% of public universities' total revenue to an average of 23%. Enrolment at public universities has gone up while state funding has fallen by 20% per student in the past decade, according to the National Science Board, which advises the government on science policy.

The erosion of state support is keenly felt at the University of Central Florida. With over 50,000 students enroled, it is the second largest university in the US, after Arizona State.

Last year, for the first time, the university's share of funding from tuition exceeded the proportion it received from the state. In Florida as a whole, public funding per student has fallen by 19% in the past decade, according to the National Science Board figures.

University provost Tony Waldrop said: "One of our goals is to provide access to students who are qualified to go to college. We don't see our job as to figure out how to deny people a college degree but rather to provide access to that opportunity.

"We could just cap enrolment, and then we wouldn't have this problem, but if we cap enrolment that by definition means we're going to deny students an opportunity to get a college education without going out of state."

Instead, the university has cut courses, increased class sizes and is offering more education online. A third of UCF's student credit hours – which count towards graduation – are either completely or partially online, the provost says. This figure grows every year.

Waldrop said: "At a time when we were growing very rapidly, and growing rapidly so we could meet the demand for access to colleges here in Florida, we were also getting cuts, so the biggest impact has been not being able to hire faculty at the same rate we were increasing in size. So something we're concerned about is our student to faculty ratio is not where we would like it to be."

Average class sizes are now between 40 and 48 students, the university's management estimates. Five courses, ranging from radiology to actuarial science, have gone – in some cases because of low enrolments but also because they were available at local community colleges. It remains a comprehensive university offering a vast array of courses from art history to neuroscience. The giant main campus - featuring a 10,000 seat arena where graduation ceremonies are held - feels like a self-contained citadel within Orlando.

A further squeeze on government funding; if, for example, eligibility for Pell grants is narrowed, could have a serious impact on the university's mission.

"If the Pell grant programme is limited, disadvantaged students are not going to be able to afford to come to UCF," the provost said. "And if they can't afford UCF – we're already one of the cheapest in the country."

florida education
At UCF, tuition fees for the current academic year are just under $6,000 for Florida residents on undergraduate courses. Photograph: Paul Hennessy/Polaris

With a growing public backlash against the scale of student debt – which now exceeds credit card debt – public universities have little room for manoeuvre.

At UCF, tuition fees for the current academic year are just under $6,000 for Florida residents on undergraduate courses, and just under $22,000 for out-of-state students.

America has a diverse higher education system, and public universities are not the only option. Romney wants to encourage private provision of college education, indicating that he will deregulate this sector.

The candidates' attitude to private for-profit colleges has emerged as an effective dividing line in the presidential race. The Obama administration has passed regulations that require for-profit colleges to demonstrate "gainful employment" among their graduates – the measures include being able to demonstrate that at least 35% of former students are actively paying down loans.

Romney has said he will do away with this "ill-advised regulation". The Romney plan says: "the federal government should allow consumers in the market to make their own choices while providing the information to make those choices well."

A Romney remark that students should "shop around" and borrow more money from their parents was seized on in Democrat campaign ads as an example of the gap between the Republican candidate and ordinary lives. The president has portrayed himself and his wife as beneficiaries of affordable state-backed education.

On the campaign trail Romney has praised the for-profit Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida, noting that they run classes 24 hours a day "because physical structure is expensive".

Romney said: "They hold down the cost of their education by recognising they're competing. We're going to have to have greater competition among institutions of higher learning and I believe that they're going to have to become productive.

"Two of the places that are least productive in our society, have done less to improve their cost and quality are healthcare and higher education. Bringing the dynamics of competition to those marketplaces in my view is the best way to bring down cost."

A private model with higher tuition

Full Sail, which is less than seven miles from UCF, has steeper tuition rates than the public university. A degree course in Digital Arts and Design, for example, costs $80,000 for a 21 month course.

However, a spokeswoman argued that as the university's courses are taken at an accelerated pace, students saved on living costs.

She said: "Our students are potentially in their career earlier, they've saved money on up to two additional years of living as a college student, and they've been more aggressively prepared for the non-stop pace of the entertainment industry."

Full Sail is a specialist institution focused on the entertainment industry; its alumni include an Oscar winner, Gary Rizzo, who was honoured for his sound mixing work on the Christopher Nolan film Inception. At last year's Grammys, the five nominees were all mixed or engineered by Full Sail graduates.

It offers students lavish facilities – there are more than a dozen sound stages to shoot film and television, music recording studios that meet professional standards, and outdoor movie sets recreating Amsterdam, Venice and New York. Its website publishes detailed statistics about student outcomes, including how many get jobs in their chosen profession – for the digital arts and design course, the success rate was 78% of the 222 students who graduated in 2009-10.

Full Sail provides a fast track into the entertainment business for many of its students, but its high tuition costs mean it is unlikely to provide a realistic alternative for students from less affluent homes.

Asked about the university's student profile, the spokeswoman said: "We do not track the socio-economic background of our students and we do not encourage or discourage students based on their socio-economic background. Also, due to our student privacy policy, we do not publish information of this nature."

Like the music industry and the media, traditional universities face a challenge from the disruptive power of the internet. Increasingly, traditional universities have felt the need to cover their internet flank by offering courses online. Harvard and MIT have launched the edX platform while a number of elite universities including Princeton and Johns Hopkins have joined the online education platform Coursera. The provost of UCF accepts that the expansion of virtual learning will provide mounting competition for universities like his.

Waldrop said: "I think our competition increasingly will come from online education and different ways of doing it that may or may not lead to degrees. I don't think we've seen the impact of that yet."

Teenagers will always require a rite of passage into adulthood, and that is part of what universities provide. But as online education grows, the solution to America's college debt problem might bring with it the dissolution of the physical campus and library.

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