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Covid live: UK PM criticised for not wearing mask in hospital; France hospitalisations in highest rise since August

This article is more than 2 years old
Mon 8 Nov 2021 18.42 ESTFirst published on Mon 8 Nov 2021 01.05 EST
Medical workers in PPE at a hospital in Montpellier, southern France.
Medical workers in PPE at a hospital in Montpellier, southern France. Photograph: Pascal Guyot/AFP/Getty Images
Medical workers in PPE at a hospital in Montpellier, southern France. Photograph: Pascal Guyot/AFP/Getty Images

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Denmark revisits its 'corona pass' as third wave of epidemic looms

Denmark has proposed reinstating the use of a digital “corona pass” to be presented when Danes visit indoor bars and restaurants, as the country is entering a third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, Reuters reports.

The pass is used to verify that the holder is vaccinated or has tested negative for the coronavirus. Denmark was one of few countries to lift almost all remaining restrictions in September after having avoided a third wave of infections over spring and summer due to broad lockdown measures imposed since Christmas.

But the number of daily infections has risen steadily to around 2,300 in recent days from a low of just over 200 in mid-September.

The positivity rate, the share of total tests made that were positive, has also risen steadily in the past weeks from 1.2% in mid-September to 2.3% by the end of October.

“Several European countries are now in the middle of their fourth wave of corona. In Denmark we are heading into our third corona wave,” health minister Magnus Heunicke said during a televised briefing on Monday.


Here is a recap of some of the main developments so far today:

  • UK prime minister Boris Johnson has faced criticism for not wearing a face mask during a visit to a hospital. Some photos from the visit to Hexham Hospital in Northumberland showed a maskless Johnson walking down a corridor and meeting staff, while in others he was wearing one. Labour’s shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth accused the PM of “irresponsibly parading round a hospital without a mask”. He added: “Patients and NHS staff deserve better than this.”
  • The UK reported a further 57 deaths within 28 days of a positive test, and another 32,322 Covid cases, according to the latest data on the government’s dashboard. This represents a drop in infections by 16.6% in the past week, while deaths are up by 8.2%.
  • Covid hospitalisations in France saw their highest daily rise since August. French health authorities said he number of people hospitalised because of Covid went up by 156 over the past 24 hours, the highest daily rise since 23 August, to reach a one-month peak of 6,865. The president Emmanuel Macron will address the nation on Tuesday about the resurgence of Covid infections.
  • Russia’s one-dose Sputnik Light vaccine had a good safety profile and induced strong immune responses especially in people who had already encountered Covid, according to the results of phase 1 and 2 trials published in The Lancet Regional Health – Europe medical journal.
  • The UK is “a long way away” from thinking about a winter lockdown, a leading scientist advising the government has said, but it is vital that anyone eligible gets their booster vaccine. Dr Mike Tildesley, a member of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Modelling group (Spi-M), said “we are not out of the woods yet” as he urged people to have their flu and Covid booster vaccines. Asked about the prospect of a winter lockdown, he told Sky News that if the NHS were under severe pressure and the number of deaths started to increase “there may be discussions around whether more restrictions need to come in”. On the importance of booster take-up, he added: “It is certainly true that, if we don’t get good immunity across the population, there may need to be perhaps further measures taken.”
  • Travellers excited at the prospect of seeing family and friends for the first time since the Covid pandemic began took off for the United States on as it lifted travel restrictions placed on much of the world for the best part of two years. The travel ban, first imposed in early 2020, had barred access to non-US citizens travelling from 33 countries - including China, India and much of Europe - and had also restricted overland entry from Mexico and Canada.
  • Schoolchildren in large parts of France were ordered to again wear face masks in class, less than a month after being allowed to remove them, as the country tries to tamp down a surge in Covid cases. Primary schools in 40 of France’s 101 departments, which had been mask-free for weeks, are affected by the order, when the incidence rate rises above 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants over five consecutive days.
  • It will be “impossible” for Nigeria to meet its target of vaccinating 40% of its population by the end of the year because Covid is not being taken seriously, health experts have warned. Fewer than 1.5% of the country’s 206 million population has been fully vaccinated. But with more people killed in conflict last year and substantially more recorded deaths from malaria than Covid in Nigeria, experts believe it is further down the list of concerns for many in the country. Story here.
  • Australia pledged more than 3m Covid vaccine doses to Cambodia, the prime minister Hun Sen said, which would help the country give booster shots to its people.
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Israeli health officials will decide behind closed doors on whether to allow child Covid vaccinations, citing concerns that decision makers would otherwise not speak freely due to aggressive anti-vax rhetoric by members of the public.

Israel has been a world leader in vaccinations and more than 40% of the population has received a third shot.

Following the green light given by the US Food and Drug Administration for using the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine on children aged 5 to 11, Israel’s health ministry is set on Wednesday to hold a decisive discussion among experts on whether to follow suit.

A discussion last week was broadcast live, but the ministry on Monday said the next meeting would be closed to the public.

“All the considerations for and against this decision were discussed, including the ability to hold a free and open discourse on such a sensitive and crucial issue against the backdrop of a prevailing violent discourse, which may affect the course of the discussion,” the ministry said.

There have been an increasing number of threats against officials at the health ministry, police say, and at least one senior health official has been assigned a personal security detail.

Boris Johnson criticised for not wearing mask in hospital

This picture of Boris Johnson “irresponsibly parading” through a hospital without a mask is getting some attention online.

The UK prime minister missed an emergency debate on MPs’ standards in the Commons on Monday (live updates here). According to Downing Street, he was unable to get back to Westminster in time following a long-planned visit to Hexham Hospital in Northumberland.

Labour’s shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth accused him of “irresponsibly parading round a hospital without a mask”. He added: “Patients and NHS staff deserve better than this.”

Photos from the visit show a maskless Johnson walking down a corridor and meeting staff, while in others he is wearing one.

So not only is Boris Johnson too cowardly to turn up to Parliament to defend the sleazy corrupt government shenanigans of recent days.

He’s now irresponsibly parading round a hospital without a mask.

Patients and NHS staff deserve better than this.

— Jonathan Ashworth (@JonAshworth) November 8, 2021
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UK reports 32,322 Covid cases and 57 deaths

The UK has reported a further 57 deaths within 28 days of a positive test, and another 32,322 Covid cases, according to the latest data on the government’s dashboard. This represents a drop in infections by 16.6% in the past week, while deaths are up by 8.2%.

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Ukraine’s Greek Catholic Church has opened a Covid vaccination centre in one of its Kiev cathedrals - the first religious institution to do so in a country where infections have surged.

Ukraine recently reported record numbers of daily Covid deaths and cases, while only 25% of its population is fully vaccinated.

Religious institutions in the country had been cautious to urge people to get vaccinated, let alone allow their premises to be used as vaccination points.

But clerics of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the third-largest in the country, on Sunday opened the doors of their main Kiev cathedral to those wanting a jab.

“The church sees no reason to refuse the vaccine,” Father Taras Zheblinsky, head of the Greek Catholic Church’s media department, told AFP.

“Taking the vaccine is a way to save your life and health,” he said, standing inside the large Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in eastern Kiev.

Ukraine reported a further 793 deaths on Saturday - a record for the country, which has an under-resourced health care system.

New daily cases hit a pandemic record of 27,377 last week and were at more than 13,000 on Monday.

“We are getting vaccinated so that if we get sick, then it will be a mild illness,” Nazar Kozak, one of dozens waiting for a jab told AFP.

“When trouble comes to a country, any community, including a religious one, should help people,” said the 32-year-old lawyer.

Ukrainian authorities initially struggled to source vaccine doses and have since fought to convince vaccine-sceptic Ukrainians to get inoculated.

But new restrictions requiring vaccinations have seen people across the country flock to vaccine centres, with inoculations now running at about 250,000 people a day.

Since the start of the pandemic, Ukraine has recorded more than 3 million coronavirus cases and 72,000 deaths.

People queue to receive a vaccine against Covid at a temporary vaccination centre inside the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Kiev. Photograph: Sergei Supinsky/AFP/Getty Images

French Covid hospitalisations see highest daily rise since August

French health authorities said on Monday the number of people hospitalised because of Covid went up by 156 over the past 24 hours, the highest daily rise since 23 August, to reach a one-month peak of 6,865.

The number of patients in intensive care units (ICUs) for the disease increased by 40 to 1,141, a ninth rise in 10 days.

The French president Emmanuel Macron will speak to the nation on Tuesday about the resurgence of Covid infections as well as his economic reform programme, the government said last week.

France also registered 55 new deaths in hospital from the epidemic, the highest daily increase since 5 October, taking the total to 91,053.

Including nursing homes fatalities, the French Covid death toll is close to 118,000.

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The European Union’s medicines regulator said on Monday it will give region-wide recommendations for the Covid antiviral pill jointly developed by Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics in the “shortest possible” time-frame.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) said it was reviewing the available data as the watchdog seeks to help member states before possible approval, Reuters reports.

Denmark’s government aims to reinstate the use of digital certificates known as “corona passports”, to verify that the holder is vaccinated or has tested negative for the coronavirus, broadcaster TV 2 reported on Monday citing sources.

The number of daily infections in the country has risen steadily to more than 2,000 in recent days from a low of just over 200 in mid-September.

This is from the American Academy of Pediatrics, encouraging parents in the US to vaccination their children aged 5-11 against Covid

Children deserve to be protected from COVID-19, and now, the vaccine is here for children ages 5-11! Take it from these pediatrician leaders: now is the time for parents to vaccinate their children to protect their families and their communities. #ThisIsOurShot #VaccinesWork

— American Academy of Pediatrics (@AmerAcadPeds) November 3, 2021

The European Union is negotiating with Merck & Co and Pfizer over possible contracts to supply their experimental Covid drugs, an EU official told Reuters, adding that talks with Merck were more advanced.

Both US drugmakers have developed antiviral pills that have shown promising efficacy in trials of adults with Covid who are at high risk of serious illness, with Pfizer’s at 89% and Merck’s around 50%.

“Contacts are ongoing with both,” the EU official familiar with the discussions said on Monday, asking not to be named as the negotiations are confidential.

Talks with Merck were more advanced because it has already begun submitting data to the European Union’s drugs regulator, the official added.

Pfizer has yet to submit any data because preliminary results of its trials were published only last week, a month after Merck’s first results.

A spokesperson for the European Commission, which coordinates talks with drugmakers on behalf of EU states, declined to comment on negotiations.

Merck was not immediately available for comment. Pfizer declined to comment.

EU officials discussed procuring Covid drugs at a meeting last week, the EU source said, stressing the bloc of 27 member states wanted to move as fast as possible to buy new treatments, but wanted to have further guarantees on their safety.

So far, the only approval is for Merck’s drug in the UK.

Both drugs treatments are given for five days. Pfizer’s regimen is for three pills taken in the morning and three at night. Merck’s is four pills in the morning and four at night.

Asked whether the higher efficacy shown by Pfizer’s treatment could affect talks with Merck, the EU official said they could not be compared for now and more data was needed.

A rush to secure the initial, limited courses of both pills is under way. The UK has procured 480,000 courses of Merck’s pill and 250,000 courses of Pfizer’s.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden said last week that the US had secured “millions” of courses of the Pfizer treatment, and has also bought 1.7 million courses of Merck’s.

Australia and several Asian countries have also secured courses of the new drugs or are in the process of doing so.

Indonesia’s drug regulator said on Monday that it was reviewing Merck’s pill, ahead of a possible purchase of up to 1 million courses of it next month.

Thailand, which has been in talks with Merck to buy 200,000 treatments since October, is also in negotiations with Pfizer for its pill, a medical adviser told Reuters.

Pfizer expects to produce more than 180,000 courses of its therapy by the end of 2021, whereas Merck plans output of 10 million courses. Both plan to ramp up production in 2022.

One in ten people in the UK have expressed their regret over buying items ranging from hot tubs to DIY tools during the pandemic, according to a survey conducted by insurer Aviva.

During lockdowns, some people used money which would normally have been spent on commuting, holidays and socialising, to treat themselves to items for the home or garden, or to get fit or start new hobbies.

A survey of 4,000 people found some are now experiencing buyers’ remorse, with many expensive items now either sold, given away or gathering dust, Aviva said.

Gaming equipment, DIY tools, home gym equipment, bikes, clothing and jewellery, musical instruments, kitchen appliances such as bread makers, garden furniture, pizza ovens and hot tubs all appeared on the regret list.

The BBC has the story.

*I regret buying Nintendogs, I’m sure my poor puppies ran away and left me circa lockdown 2.0.

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Pfizer and BioNTech are expected to seek authorisation for their Covid vaccine booster shot for people aged 18 and above as soon as this week, the Washington Post reported on Monday, citing officials familiar with the situation.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in September authorised the extra shot for those aged 65 and above, people at high risk of severe disease, and others regularly exposed to the virus.

Pfizer and US health officials have argued that the boosters prevent hospitalisations and deaths and that emerging data indicates they can slow mild infections as well.

Pfizer did not immediately respond to Reuters’ request for comment.

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