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Is Obama the world's funniest politician?

This article is more than 11 years old
Barack Obama's spoof Spielberg film, in which he plays Daniel Day-Lewis playing Obama, proves the president is a witty guy. Does any other political comedy act measure up?

World leader in sense of humour shock! Barack Obama's spoof Spielberg film, in which he plays Daniel Day-Lewis playing Obama, has shown that either the White House has some canny spin doctors, or Obama is a genuinely witty guy. Politicians have often fancied themselves as comedians; Lembit Öpik even did some gigs when he lost his seat. Here are the world's funniest policy-makers.

1. Barack Obama

Not content with having a pretty smoochy singing voice, the US president has gone viral with his Obama/Lincoln skit made for the White House correspondents' dinner. It was no surprise that the world's most charismatic politician pulled it off, skewering his own gravitas and the method-acting lengths some actors go to: "This accent took a while … the cosmetics were challenging … you wouldn't believe how long it takes to put these ears on."

2. Beppe Grillo

Beppe Grillo
Beppe Grillo: started as a standup. Photograph: Eric Vandeville/Gamma

The rising star of Italian politics started as a standup, so it is not surprising that he has no difficulty making his constituents chuckle – even when he wants to be taken seriously. The 64-year-old founder of the Five Star Movement uses satire and statistics to expose corruption. In 2007 he claimed that the Italian parliament membership had a higher crime rate than one of the most dangerous suburbs of Naples.

3. Boris Johnson

The London mayor recently came second (behind Bradley Wiggins) in a poll to find Britain's greatest wit. Johnson regularly sprinkles his interviews with witty apercus, helping to enhance that cuddly-teddy-bear persona. On his prime ministerial aspirations, Johnson commented that "My chances of being PM are about as good as the chances of finding Elvis on Mars, or my being reincarnated as an olive." It might not slay them at the Comedy Store, but it keeps the political hacks happy.

4. Tony Blair

Tony Blair with Catherine Tate as Lauren, taken for Comic Relief
Tony Blair with Catherine Tate as Lauren for Comic Relief. Photograph: Paul Randall/Comic Relief/PA

It may not be the main thing that the Labour leader is remembered for, but Blair was very funny when he appeared alongside Catherine Tate's surly schoolgirl Lauren during Comic Relief in 2007. Blair's dispatch box gigs stood him in good stead as he gave Lauren a taste of her own medicine: "I don't care cos I ain't bovvered." Hugh Grant could not have delivered the line better. Certainly funnier than Margaret Thatcher's wince-inducing Yes, Minister cameo.

5. Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill: formidable comebacks. Photograph: PA

The trend of politicians going for a giggle goes back a long way. Churchill was partial to a pithy put-down, and came out with a formidable comeback when accused of being tipsy by MP Bessie Braddock. "You are drunk." "Yes. But you are ugly. But tomorrow morning I will be sober." Eat your heart out, Jimmy Carr

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