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Marriage woes

My fiance admitted she’s not attracted to me anymore

DEAR DEIDRE: After months of no sex I asked my fiancée if she was still attracted to me and to my surprise she said no, that it was my personality she fell for, not my looks.

I suppose I now know why she never wants to come anywhere near me.

I’m 42, she’s 39 and we’ve been together for four years.

We used to have terrific sex and shared lots of laughs together, but since I proposed a couple of months ago she has seemed to drift away from me.

I’m lucky if she even wants to kiss or cuddle and I can’t remember the last time we were intimate.

To make matters worse, all we do now is argue. Everything seems to be an issue, whether it’s about money, our families, where we live, or even holiday plans, I'm constantly in the wrong.

I’ve tried everything to reignite things between us, but I’m worried our spark has died.

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DEIDRE SAYS: This is not about your looks. Your relationship and sex life were great, it all started to change once you got engaged and that won’t just be a coincidence.

She may be panicking about commitment and is unsure how to navigate this next phase of her life.

Find a quiet and calm moment to talk to her and tell her how you’ve been feeling and promise that you’ll listen to what she has to say.

I’m also sending you my support pack Relationship MOT to help.
If she digs in and won’t talk, consider ending it - it’s making you both unhappy.


Dear Deidre on relationships, jealousy and envy