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Brexit news: Latest updates at 7am from the past 12 hours

HERE is your daily briefing on all the General Election and Brexit news from the past 12 hours.

Boris Johnson has said he wants to close the UK's "opportunity gap", Jeremy Corbyn has vowed to match Conservative spending on the NHS, and the outgoing president of the European Council Donald Tusk has urged Remainers not to give up trying to stop Brexit.

Conservatives pledge to close UK's 'opportunity gap'


The prime minister has used his first major pledge of the election campaign to pledge to close what he called the UK's "opportunity gap".

Speaking during a tour of an electric taxi manufacturer outside Coventry, Boris Johnson said he wanted to address inequality not only between the rich and poor, but between different regions of the country.

"If the potential of this country is enormous then so, frankly, is the injustice", he said.

"Imagine if every child had the same start, the same encouragement.

"Think of all the untapped talent in this country."

He said he wanted to double investment in research and development of new technologies to £18bn and "unlock the whole nation's potential".

Labour vow to top Tory NHS spending


The Labour Party has said that a Labour government would increase spending on the NHS by more than the Conservatives over the next five years.

Speaking at an event at the Royal Society of Medicine, shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth said the health service had seen a "decade of under-funding and cuts".

He said Labour would increase annual NHS spending from the current £121bn to £155bn in 2023-24, £6bn more than under the government's current plans.

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell had earlier said that increases in health spending would be funded by changes to higher-rate tax thresholds.

“Income tax rates, national insurance and VAT will not increase for 95 per cent [of people]", he said.

"We will reduce the threshold for 45p rates for £80,000 and reintroduce the 50p rate for £125,000."

Tusk: 'Don't give up on stopping Brexit'


Outgoing president of the European council Donald Tusk has urged opponents of Brexit not to give up.

In a speech to students at the College of Europe, Tusk, who is due to stand down on December 1, said: “The UK election takes place in one month. Can things still be turned around?

"Hannah Arendt taught that things become irreversible only when people start to think so.

“So the only words that come to my mind today are simply: Don’t give up.

"In this match, we had added time, we are already in extra time, perhaps it will even go to penalties?”

Many supports of remaining in the European Union consider the coming election the last chance to stop Britain's departure.

He also took aim at Brexitieers who believe that "only alone" can the UK be "truly great".

"You could hear in these voices a longing for the Empire," he said.

"I have heard the same in India, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and South Africa; that after its departure, the UK will become an outsider, a second-rate player, while the main battlefield will be occupied by China, the United States and the European Union."

SNP ITV debate


The Scottish National Party has announced it is to take legal action against ITV over the broadcaster's decision to hold a head-to-head debate between only Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn.

Speaking to the BBC, party leader Nicola Sturgeon said it was "fundamentally unfair" that the SNP, which currently has 35 MPs in the House of Commons, had been excluded.

She added that ITV's decision "fails to recognise that the UK is no longer a two-party state".

"It is also entirely possible that we will hold the balance of power in the House of Commons after this election - making it all the more important that our perspective is heard and indeed scrutinised," she said.

Her party joins the Liberal Democrats, who earlier this week announced they would be taking their own legal action against the broadcaster over the same decision.

As well as the head-to-head, ITV plans to hold a debate with representatives from the seven biggest parties ahead of the December 12 poll.

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