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NIGEL Farage last night hailed the UK's exit from the European Union as "the greatest moment in the modern history of our great nation".

Hundreds of Leavers gathered in Parliament Square to sing the national anthem while waiving Union flags as the clock struck 11pm - signalling that Britain has officially left the bloc.

 Nigel Farage celebrates as the UK has officially left the EU
Nigel Farage celebrates as the UK has officially left the EUCredit: AFP or licensors
 Nigel Farage throws his hands in the air after the clock struck 11pm marking Brexit
Nigel Farage throws his hands in the air after the clock struck 11pm marking Brexit
 The Brexit Party founder worked joined hundreds in Westminster to celebrate the UK's departure
The Brexit Party founder worked joined hundreds in Westminster to celebrate the UK's departureCredit: AFP or licensors

The Brexit Party founder addressed the crowd before the 20-second countdown telling the sea of people to "celebrate tonight as we have never done before".

Nigel Farage said: "This is something that I fought for - for 27 years and something that many thousands of you gave your time and money for.

"We faced an established that didn't even want to listen to us.

"An establishment that never wanted that referendum to take place. An establishment that tried for three and a half years to frustrate the will of the greatest democratic mandate ever seen."

He added: "The people have beaten the establishment. The real winner tonight is democracy.

"Let us celebrate tonight as we have never done before. This is the greatest moment in the modern history of our great nation."


At 11pm bongs from Big Ben rang through speakers as the lyrics of the national anthem were projected onto a screen.

Scenes of jubilation erupted at a rally in Parliament Square as the clock struck 11pm and hardcore Brexit fans had tears in their eyes as they sang a rendition of God Save The Queen.

A recording of Big Ben's bong was played and flares were set off as a video screen displayed the words 'We're Out!'

People in the crowd were heard screaming: "We're gone!" and "We were there."

Fireworks were set off around Britain and crowds gathered at parties to celebrate the historic moment.

Shortly after 11pm, BBC's Emily Maitlis asked Mr Farage about the underdog now that his fight against the establishment has made him part of the establishment.

But I tell you what tonight we passed the point of no return. We are never going back.

Nigel Farage

Mr Farage said as crowds behind him celebrated: "The truth of it is, we've won the war, now we have to win the peace.

"Yes, there are big negotiations to go on and all of that's important.

"The Conservative Party now sounds like the Brexit Party and these are massive,seismic shifts in British politics.

"But I tell you what tonight we passed the point of no return. We are never going back."

In a landmark address on one of the biggest days in the nation’s history, Mr Johnson claimed Brexit would spark a glorious future for all.

He said: “This is the dawn of a new era in which we no longer accept that your life chances – your family’s life chances - should depend on which part of the country you grow up in.

 Nigel Farage arrives at a rally in Parliament to celebrate Brexit Day
Nigel Farage arrives at a rally in Parliament to celebrate Brexit Day
 People climb on the statue of Winston Churchill with flags
People climb on the statue of Winston Churchill with flags
 A smoke flare is let off as the clock hits midnight and crowds erupt in Wesminster
A smoke flare is let off as the clock hits midnight and crowds erupt in Wesminster
Brexit celebrations in Parliament Square as the United Kingdom officially leaves the European Union

“This is the moment when we really begin to unite and level up.

“Defeating crime, transforming our NHS, and with better education, with superb technology.

“We will spread hope and opportunity to every part of the UK”.
