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Generation most likely to be ‘always on’ revealed – as they struggle to switch off from work

MILLENNIALS are the "always on" generation – as they are the most likely to check emails out of hours, fail to relax until their inbox is cleared and often work through lunch.

A poll of 2,000 adults found 65 per cent of those born between 1981 and 1996 feel they have "too many distractions to be able to switch off each day" – compared to just 12 per cent of the "silent" generation born between 1928 and 1945.

Young adults are 'always on', a survey shows - incessantly checking phones for updates
Young adults are 'always on', a survey shows - incessantly checking phones for updatesCredit: SWNS

Some 45 per cent of millennials check their phones first thing in the morning and have just 91 minutes of downtime each day.

And 41 per cent cannot have the TV on without scrolling through their phone, while just under one in 10 - nine per cent - would only go on holiday somewhere if they could stay in touch with their work.

Only 12 per cent of so-called "Gen Xs", born between 1965 and 1980, would check in on work emails before their starting time each day, compared to 21 per cent of millennials and later "Gen Zs".

Henry Nelson-Case, corporate lawyer and social media "influencer", said: “It seems as time has gone by, people are in more of a rush with their life.

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“It isn’t sustainable living life at such a fast pace. Not getting enough sleep, getting too stressed at work and simply not having enough time to relax can really harm our mental health.

“We need to take a step back and allow more time to wind down, and enjoy doing nothing."

The research, commissioned by Extra gum, found the average adult has six hours sleep per night, even though the recommendation is seven or more.

And almost six in 10, or 59 per cent, felt they were "always on" with no time to properly relax.

Almost three in 10, 29 per cent, have experienced burnout in their careers, with the average age of 34 when going through this struggle.

And of these, 42 per cent cried, 40 per cent searched for a new job and 33 per cent took their stress out on other family members.

Some 12 per cent of people have taken up a new hobby to release frustration to avoid burning out, according to the OnePoll survey stats.

Extra gum spokesperson Hannah Lee said: “It’s shocking to see just how many of us have experienced burnout and how young the average age is.

“It’s great that people are doing something about it, though – whether it’s searching for a new job, starting a hobby as a distraction or diarising time for themselves.

“Even little ways of distracting yourself can be handy, we know from the research that 34 per cent of people chew gum to relieve tension, which provides a little moment every day to re-centre and take time for yourself.”


• Try to identify the source of your stress: Take a moment to reflect and identify what is causing you stress. Knowing what the cause is can help you address it more effectively.

• Practice relaxation techniques: Relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation and yoga can help you calm down and reduce anxiety.

• Exercise regularly: Regular exercise can help you alleviate the signs of burnout by releasing endorphins, which are natural stress-fighters.

• Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can increase anxiety levels, so make sure you get a good night’s sleep each evening.

• Take a moment for yourself: For example, chewing a piece of gum can provide you with a distraction and give you something else to focus on.

• Set realistic goals: Setting achievable goals can help you diminish stress by giving you a sense of accomplishment and control.

• Learn to say no: Saying no to things you don't have time or energy for can help you avoid over-committing yourself and reduce worry.

• Manage your time effectively: Managing your time effectively can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and strained.

• Practice positive self-talk: Talking to yourself in a positive, encouraging way can help you alleviate stress and build resilience.

• Seek support from others: Talking to friends, family, or a professional can help you manage pressure and build coping skills.

Modern technology provides multiple day-to-day distractions
Modern technology provides multiple day-to-day distractionsCredit: SWNS
Mobile phone-loving 'millennials' are said to be the busiest online
Mobile phone-loving 'millennials' are said to be the busiest onlineCredit: SWNS
Devotion to distracting technology can damage sleep patterns, experts say
Devotion to distracting technology can damage sleep patterns, experts sayCredit: SWNS
Tips for reducing stress include setting 'realistic' goals and chewing gum
Tips for reducing stress include setting 'realistic' goals and chewing gumCredit: SWNS