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THE distraught families of Israeli hostages held by Hamas terrorists since October say they are living a “rollercoaster in hell”.

Gal GiIboa Dalal, 29, told of his battle for survival amid hails of gunfire, before his brother Guy, 23, was captured, bound, and imprisoned deep in Gaza.

Amit Levy, left, and Gal Gilboa Dalal have spoken about how their families have suffered with family members being held hostage by Hamas
Amit Levy, left, and Gal Gilboa Dalal have spoken about how their families have suffered with family members being held hostage by HamasCredit: Chris Eades
Amit Levy's sister Naama was taken away bloodied and beaten in a Hamas truck
Amit Levy's sister Naama was taken away bloodied and beaten in a Hamas truckCredit: Twitter
Gal Gilboa Dalal's brother Guy remains captive
Gal Gilboa Dalal's brother Guy remains captiveCredit: Collect
Naama Levy, 19, was kidnapped by masked gunmen in October and is being kept as a prisoner
Naama Levy, 19, was kidnapped by masked gunmen in October and is being kept as a prisonerCredit: Collect
Revellers flee the music festival in southern Israel after Hamas launched a savage attack
Revellers flee the music festival in southern Israel after Hamas launched a savage attackCredit: TWITTER

He hid for nine hours on fateful October 7 before he was rescued - only to learn that his brother was recorded in a tunnel by gunmen.

Guy, a popular and peace loving musician, was enjoying his first music festival experience before terrorists butchered 360 people.

He told The Sun: “I arrived 15 minutes before the shooting started and met my brother. There was such an amazing energy. The people were all celebrating peace and love.

“Then the alarms started, some people were taking cover, others began running, and we could see the rockets flying overhead.

Read More on the Hostages

“I asked my brother to join me in my car. He hesitated for a second and said I don’t want my friends to feel that I left them. He said I will see you later.

“After 20 minutes of struggling to drive through  the traffic, the shooting started. There was gunfire all around me.

“People began to move their cars and run away, and bullets were hitting the vehicles.

“I abandoned my car and I found an area I could hide near a tree.

“I spoke to my brother on the phone and told him to stay as close to the police as you can. This was the last time that I spoke to him.

“People began running into my direction covered in blood. The terrorists were closing in on us. It was awful. There was explosions and shooting everywhere.

My daughter, 19, was abducted by Hamas in chilling video - they're rapists & killers, why won’t world help get her home-

“I called my brother again, but he didn’t answer, from that moment all I could think of was what happened to him. I tried to call countless times.

“I was rescued by cops after nine hours.

“My dad called me and said that guy was captured along with his friends. A video showed them lying on the floor inside the tunnel.

“My brother is a peaceful man, he is strong but it sickens me to think that he has been used as a currency in this war.

“We just hope that he will return to us soon.

“It is like being on a rollercoaster in hell, we have bad days and we have worse day. I’ve not seen my mother Meriav smile in eight months.

“She cries until she cannot cry any more.”

Meanwhile devastated Amit Levy, 21, relived the moment he discovered his teenage sister was captured in a sickening propaganda clip.

People began running into my direction covered in blood. The terrorists were closing in on us. It was awful. There was explosions and shooting everywhere

Gal GIboa Dalal

Millions recoiled in horror after vile footage filmed by Hamas showed innocent Naama Levy, 19, being pulled by her hair by militants after she was kidnapped from her kibbutz.

For almost eight months she has been kept in unknown conditions by Palestinian gunmen, as reports emerged of fellow hostages being subjected to depraved sexual abuse and torture.

Heartbroken Amit said he awoke to the video of his nursery volunteer sister, limping and bleeding, after she was targeted in Nahal Oz Kibbutz on October 7.

Amit, fighting back tears, said: “From that morning [October 7] it has been eight months of chaos.

“It started when my mum got a phone call from my father saying that sister was saying in a video and he was certain it was her.

“I watched the video. My parents could not bring themselves to see it for weeks.

“The footage showed Naama being dragged by her long blonde hair from the back of a Jeep at gunpoint by terrorists in Gaza. 

Timeline of the Israel Hamas war since Oct 7

Oct 7, 2023: Hamas gunmen launch horror attack killing thousands of innocent civilians and taking hostages

Oct 7, 2023: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel is at war and prepares revenge airstrikes on Gaza

Oct 13, 2023: Israel tells residents of Gaza City to move south along the Gaza Strip

Oct 19, 2023: Yemen's Houthi terror groups start attacking cargo ships in the Red Sea linked to Israel including US and UK vessels

Oct 21, 2023: Aid trucks are sent through the Rafah border into Gaza

Oct 27, 2023: Israel launches ground offensive in Gaza

Nov 1, 2023: People try to evacuate Gaza completely as war ramps up but many forced to stay

Nov 15, 2023: Israeli troops enter Gaza's biggest hospital, Al Shifa, after a siege of several days as they believe Hamas are working inside

Nov 21, 2023: Israel and Hamas announce a ceasefire to last seven days and see the exchange of hostages and Palestinian prisoners

Nov 2023: Truce ends with only half of hostages returned

Dec 1, 2023: Fighting starts up again with first round of airstrikes in weeks

Dec 4, 2023: Israeli forces launch huge ground assault in southern Gaza, towards the main southern city of Khan Younis

Dec 12, 2023: Countries call on Israel to find a new ceasefire deal to stop civilian casualties

Jan 11, 2024: US and British warplanes, ships and submarines launch retaliatory strikes across Yemen

Feb 29, 2024: More than 100 Gazans die as they queued for humanitarian aid with Israel and Hamas having different views on what happened

April 1, 2024: Israeli air strikes kill seven aid workers for the World Central Kitchen charity

April 1, 2024: Iran's embassy hit in Damascus by a suspected Israeli airstrike killing several military officers and a top general

April 13, 2024: Tehran responds to the embassy strike by firing hundreds of missiles and drones at Israel but most are intercepted

April 19, 2024: Israel hits back at Iran with precision strike near a nuclear site in Isfahan

April 23, 2024: Israel gear up for six-week assault on Rafah

April 24, 2024: Hostage claims 70 people held captive have died after being bombed

April 29, 2024: Israel's PM Benjamin Netanyahu could be issued with an international arrest warrant over alleged war crimes in Gaza

May 4, 2024: Ceasefire deal agreed between Israel and Hamas for 40-days

May 20, 2024: The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court lodged a formal application for arrest warrants for both Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas terror master Yahya Sinwar

“They were shouting and screaming at her. She was in her pyjamas and bleeding, we know that she was injured on her legs. 

“It is a trauma that we are still going through, and it is never ends. 

“When we go to sleep at night, if we are able to, we know nothing about sister condition and how she is being treated.

“I keep telling myself stories that maybe she is a bit more lucky and she is being treated in some kind of humanitarian way.

“We know that the people who kidnapped her are monsters, but I keep on telling myself she is the strongest person that I know.

“That keeps me strong, and it keeps my family strong, because we know that she is a survivor. That is what to allows us to get out of bed in the morning.

“My sister is a very gentle and kind young woman. She is softly spoken, yet so strong.

We know that the people who kidnapped her are monsters

Amit Levy on his teenage sister Naama

“We are like a typical brother and sister, annoying each other, it is those times that I miss the most.

“There are talks of a deal, but we are trying not to get too excited, because the fall is very hard.

“Every moment counts, the hostages, are dying. There is right and wrong and my sister and the other 127 Hostages never harmed anyone.

“They are pure souls, who deserve to be back with their families.”

Both men blasted the decision by an International Criminal Court prosecutor to call for the arrest of Benjamin Netanyahu over killings in Gaza by Israeli troops.

Gal said: “I think it’s terrible to compare what’s Israel has done and what it is doing and what’s the country has suffered from.

“You can agree, or not agree with how things have gone, but in reality, you can’t fight a knife with hugs and kisses.

“I am a peaceful man and I don’t want war, but you can’t stay silent when your people are being brutally murdered, raped and kidnapped.”

Amit added: “I think it’s disgraceful that Netanyahu has been charged alongside James, they are trying to create some sense of symmetry.

“A comparison between Israel and those who have kidnapped raped and killed is wrong.”

A total of 125 hostages remain unaccounted for.

It comes as Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas terror master Yahya Sinwar were both facing arrest on war crime charges.

Prosecutor Karim Khan's decision to move against Netanyahu sparked outrage across Israel, with one minister branding it “a distortion of justice.”

Arrest applications were also submitted for Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant and Hamas's political leader Ismail Haniyeh and military chief Mohammed Deif.


October 7 mastermind Sinwar, 61, Deif, 58 and Haniyeh, 62, stand accused of war crimes including: murder, hostage taking, rape, sexual violence, torture and cruelty.

Ceasefire talks in Qatar remained deadlocked amid growing concern for around 100 Israeli hostages still being held in appalling conditions in blitzed Gaza.

Shocking drone footage shows the aftermath of the festival attack that left 260 dead
Shocking drone footage shows the aftermath of the festival attack that left 260 deadCredit: Telegram
Gal's brother Guy was at a music festival when he was taken on October 7
Gal's brother Guy was at a music festival when he was taken on October 7Credit: Chris Eades
Amit says he and his family are still going through the trauma
Amit says he and his family are still going through the traumaCredit: Chris Eades
Naama's mum Ayelet Levy Shachar has previously spoken about her 'unbearable pain'
Naama's mum Ayelet Levy Shachar has previously spoken about her 'unbearable pain'Credit: Reuters
Amit, left, and Gal say they  feel like they are on a 'rollercoaster in hell'
Amit, left, and Gal say they feel like they are on a 'rollercoaster in hell'Credit: Chris Eades