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New Amazon Alexa setting will help you sleep and stop late-night phone scrolling

IF you're struggling to sleep at the moment a new Amazon Alexa smart speaker feature could help you out.

Alexa has partnered with the leading mental health service app Calm so users can access content that can help them sleep.

Calm has partnered with Alexa for a new free feature
Calm has partnered with Alexa for a new free featureCredit: Getty

Calm has a limited range of free-to-use content that Alexa owners can access by saying things like “Alexa, open a sleep story on Calm".

This feature aims to be a distraction from smartphone scrolling that a lot of people do before bedtime.

Instead of having to use the Calm app on your phone or tablet with its bright blue light, you can now use it hands-free.

Fergal Walker, Calm’s VP of Partnerships shared: “We’re thrilled to announce this relationship, bringing the best of Calm to Alexa.

"This makes it easier than ever for millions of people to incorporate mental health into their daily routines by simply saying phrases such as ‘Alexa, play the Daily Jay on Calm’, ’Alexa, open soundscapes on Calm” or, my daughter’s personal favorite before bedtime, ’Alexa, open a Sleep Story on Calm.'”

How to use Calm on Alexa

The new feature is very easy to set up.

You'll need to create an account on the Calm app even if you just want to access the free content.

After you've done this, open your Alexa app and search for “Calm” in the Skills section.

You then need to enable the Calm skill.

Once enabled, you need to follow the account-linking instructions.

After this, you can say “Alexa, start a Calm session”.

This should hopefully transport you into a peaceful state perfect for sleeping or just relaxing.
