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DEAR DEIDRE: I CAN’T last longer than 30 seconds during sex with my girlfriend.

We’re both 25 and have been together for five years.

We’ve always had a good, sex life, but recently my performance has been shocking.

I have such intense orgasms that I just can’t hold back, but it’s beginning to affect our relationship.

My girlfriend gets next to no pleasure, and no matter what I do, I cannot last.

She’s beginning to feel that the intimacy in our relationship is gone, and I’m terrified she’ll leave me.

How do I solve this issue?

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DEIDRE SAYS: One helpful technique is to really familiarise yourself with the feelings you have leading up to climax – when you are on your own.

Start to hold yourself back from orgasming just before the point of no return.

As you become more adept you can do this multiple times during one session and then try this when you are with your girlfriend.

My support pack Want To Last Longer? has more techniques to try.
