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AN estimated 42,000 people in Ireland get cancer each year.

Responsible for 30 per cent of deaths, cancer is the biggest killer here with more than 9,620 deaths a year.

Labour are proposing a new Health Bill
Labour are proposing a new Health BillCredit: Getty Images - Getty
Cancer kills an estimated 42,000 people in Ireland each year
Cancer kills an estimated 42,000 people in Ireland each yearCredit: Getty Images - Getty

However, more people are surviving the disease than ever before.

We know that prevention is key when it comes to health with early intervention a way to identify potentially critical illnesses.

The Labour Party will this week propose its Health Screening Leave Bill, to provide workers with paid leave for health screenings.

Writing in The Irish Sun today, Labour TD, Duncan Smith, says this is one bill the Government must support.


THE battle against cancer has touched the lives of everyone in this country.

In a society where time is a precious commodity and healthcare is often overlooked due to work schedules or financial constraints, it has never been more important to ensure that people are given the option to take proactive measures toward safeguarding their health.

Labour’s Health Screening Leave Bill represents a crucial step toward addressing this issue by providing workers with the right to paid leave for essential health screenings.

Studies consistently show that early detection significantly improves outcomes and reduces mortality rates for various types of cancer.

Therefore, by enabling employees to attend them without fear of financial repercussions or job loss, the Health Screening Leave Bill has the potential to save countless lives.

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Access to healthcare shouldn’t be a luxury reserved for those with understanding employers.

Yet, shockingly, there is no statutory leave for workers to attend Health and Safety Executive screenings appointments for cervical, breast, or colon cancer.

It is time for the Government to step up and support Labour’s Health Screening Leave Bill.

It ensures that work staff, regardless of age, gender, or employment status, can access paid leave for the sake of their wellbeing.

Labour believes that every person should have the right to take time off to prioritise their health without sacrificing their livelihood.

Currently workers are forced to navigate between holiday entitlements or sick leave just to attend a health screening appointment.

We shouldn’t accept this being the norm. It is time to make our people’s wellness the priority.


For many employees, the fear of missing work looms large.

This fear is especially acute for those in precarious employment situations or workplaces with rigid schedules and no flexibility.

Labour understands these challenges and aims to level the playing field by ensuring that everyone, regardless of their job circumstances, can attend the appointments without fear of repercussions.

Early detection is paramount in the fight against cancer, and screening is a vital tool in identifying potential risks at the earliest stages.

Enacting this bill would not only save lives but it would also reduce the strains on our healthcare system by mitigating the need for costly treatments down the line.

Moreover, supporting this bill aligns with broader public health objectives.


By investing in preventive measures such as screenings, we can reduce the overall burden on our caregiving resources and staff.

Preventing diseases or catching them at an early stage not only saves lives but also reduces the need for treatments and hospitalisations in the future.

This leads to significant cost savings for both individuals and the healthcare system as a whole.

Let’s not mince words: While the necessity for leave to attend screenings may not arise frequently, its impact is profound.

It is about fostering equality and ensuring that every individual, regardless of their profession or circumstances, has equitable access to life-saving screenings.

It is an investment in our workers.

This isn’t about politics; it is about people. It is about safeguarding public health and upholding social justice.


The evidence is irrefutable, screening saves lives.

By rallying behind Labour’s Health Screening Leave Bill, the Government has a unique opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of work staff nationwide.

Supporting the Bill is not just a matter of public health; it is a statement about who we are as a society.

It is about prioritising the wellbeing of our citizens, promoting equity and fairness, and investing in a better future for all.

One missed appointment could mean the difference between early intervention and a devastating diagnosis.

Let us ensure that no one has to choose between their job and their wellbeing.

The risks are too high to ignore, and the opportunity to save lives is too precious to squander.

The time to act is now, and the stakes could not be higher.
