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FANS flocking to see Coldplay at Croke Park this week are being warned over an "increased risk" of home invasion.

Home insurance company OUTsurance is warning music fans heading to the Dublin venue on Thursday and Friday of this week to be aware when sharing posts on social media.

Fans flocking to see Coldplay at Croke Park this week are being warned over an 'increased risk' of home invasion
Fans flocking to see Coldplay at Croke Park this week are being warned over an 'increased risk' of home invasion
Coldplay are set to play two shows at Croke Park this week, on August 29 and 30 before playing another two on September 1 and 2
Coldplay are set to play two shows at Croke Park this week, on August 29 and 30 before playing another two on September 1 and 2Credit: Getty Images - Getty

They have said that by posting footage live from the concerts, you are putting yourself at an "increased risk of home burglaries".

Coldplay are set to play two shows at Croke Park this week, on August 29 and 30 before playing another two on September 1 and 2.

The insurance company has warned that professional burglars regularly comb through social media to see if they can find clues that someone is not home.

Those with social media profiles on a public setting are being warned that they are more susceptible to being targeted.


These burglars will also look through social media accounts to see if you have posted anything valuable before.

Peter Broome, OUTsurance Ireland Chief Executive, said: “For anyone lucky enough to be heading out for an evening’s entertainment, don’t have your night spoiled by failing to take some steps to protect your home.  

"Unfortunately, would-be thieves are keeping a close eye on social media these days to spot a potential haul.

"Taking the time to take simple steps like leaving on a radio or laying out a towel on the tracks of a sliding backdoor can make all the difference between a great time or ending the evening on a sour note.

"If anything were to happen, making sure you have the insurance cover you need is vital. If you’re unsure, always check with your insurance provider.” 

OUTsurance has shared 10 tips for those heading to the concerts this week to ensure your home is safe when you are away.

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They first shared that you should avoid posting updates ahead of the concert or any other events that would let someone know you're going in the lead up - but if you want to, ensure your account is private when posting this.

Next they advise to not leave keys out or under the doormat as this will be the first place a burglar checks.

They also advise to leave the radio or TV on in order to give the illusion that someone is home.

To also make it appear like someone is home, put your lights on timers as it will throw robbers off the scent.

Ensure all garden tools are put away and locked in a shed as these can be used to break into your home.

OUTsurance added: "A bit of gardening may make your home more secure by giving burglars less chance of sneaking down the side of your home or hiding while they attempt to gain entry."

If you have sliding doors or windows, leave a towel in the tracks as they won't be able to be forced open this way.

Tell a neighbour that you're heading to the concert to allow them to raise any alarms of a possible intruder.

Before you head to the gig, double check all windows and doors are locked.

And lastly, if you have an alarm - use it.
