Comic 1863 - a sad goodbye...Butterscotch

3rd Sep 2024, 10:13 PM
a sad goodbye...Butterscotch
Average Rating: 5 (8 votes)

Author Notes:

Centcomm 3rd Sep 2024, 10:13 PM edit delete
sorry once again but Rose lost Butterscotch today. he had been ill a long time and she did everything in her power to keep him with a happy and confortable live but he began to decline and finally he has crossed over. I dont have anything more to say on it. thanks guys. send Rose lots of love.
Tokyo Rose 4th Sep 2024, 5:12 PM edit delete
Tokyo Rose
Our pets take a part of us with us when they go, but they leave a part of themselves behind in return. I will always remember his dumb little sarcastic face (his left eye was slightly darker green than the right, so he always looked like he was squinting a bit in general disapproval), and his idiotic habit of getting underfoot at every opportunity, and the way he was shedding nigh-constantly like a portal to the Elemental Plane of Fur, and his incredibly soft cuddliness that made me crown him King of the Plushies, and the weird co-dependent way he would scratch at the carpet outside the bathroom door and scream until I let him in so he could watch me on the throne, and how much he loved to cuddle up and nap with his humans.

Thank you, everyone, for your kindness and understanding. Unless the universe chooses to continue taking massive shits on Cent and me (a possibility which I will not rule out), we will get back on track next week.
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bh 3rd Sep 2024, 10:32 PM edit delete reply
Love to Rose... and to Cent too! This has been a hell of a year for both of you. Sorry... :(
Rashala 3rd Sep 2024, 11:14 PM edit delete reply

I've been there Rose I know how much it hurts we're all here for you
DLKmusic 3rd Sep 2024, 11:23 PM edit delete reply

what a beautiful lil dustmop he was! 18 years was a long life for a cat, and knowing how much you love them I can't imagine he could've had a happier life any where else.
SoftSpot 3rd Sep 2024, 11:40 PM edit delete reply

Feelings of sympathy for Rose, that's all I can offer.
You both had some streaks of bad times the past months, so take your time to get yourself up again, I'm willing to wait as long as the 2 of you need.
Ryu Santos 4th Sep 2024, 12:21 AM edit delete reply
Best of wishes to Rose. 🤗 Losing a family member is sad and hurts. Hopefully there will be a new member when the time is right. 🙂

Yes, pets are family members.
Gilrandir 4th Sep 2024, 12:24 AM edit delete reply
Condolences and well wishes, @Tokyo Rose and @Mr. Black.
Greenwood Goat 4th Sep 2024, 1:53 AM edit delete reply
Well... I expect you already know about the Rainbow Bridge, and the beautiful meadow before it, where all your pets will be waiting to mob you. Of course, there's no rule to say only pets can wait there. So, based on my assessment of everyone's state of health...

Cent: *lies against side of grassy mound on the meadow, surrounded by pets* *dishes out the pettings* ^ω^ *!* *looks up, sees man who has appeared* Alvin! Fluffy! Sneaker! Time to go - your daddy's here! *pets Alvin, Fluffy and Sneaker goodbye, watches them run off*

Man: *joyous reunion with his pets* *approaches Cent* Excuse me... do you work here?

Cent: Nope! Just waiting for some friends and my partner, kinda got embedded. When you're ready, just head on over the Rainbow Bridge and cross to the next world, wherever yours turns out to be. Or stop and chat if you- *pauses at cluster F-bomb in distance* Actually, best make for the bridge now.

Man: 'Kay. *cringes at swearing, heads off*


Tokyo Rose: *gets to her feet* DICK-FINGERED CUNTBUBBLE!!! CACK-HANDED COCKMONGLER!!! WHAT DEMENTED SPAZ-TURD TOLD YOU YOU COULD DO CPR?!!??? *glances round* Terri? *waves* TERRI!! *sees her pets converging on her* GUYS!!!!! *tries to pet them all at once* Oh, guys...!

Bramble (Shetland pony): *walks up to Cent, leans down and nudges her*

Cent: *reaches up and joins hands over his neck* *is pulled to her feet* *mounts, and is cantered bareback to where Rose is busily petting*

Tokyo Rose: Hhhhi! I've just had a mall trip I'm never gonna fucking forget! And I might have been alright if Doctor fucking Mario hadn't intervened! I'd like to shove that fucking defibrillator up his goddamn ass! And then set it off, at max! ...Is that the Rainbow Bridge over there?

Cent: *dismounts, pets Bramble* Ay-up! In all its glory! *glances round at it* *does double-take* Though the blue band has just gotten a LOT bigger than it's supposed to be. Which might be down to you, girl!

Tokyo Rose: Oh... oops! *puts hands over mouth*

Tokyo Rose 4th Sep 2024, 5:15 PM edit delete reply

Thank you for making me laugh harder than I have in a solid week. :)

I'm absolutely going to be the person getting dragged off to the side by heavenly security for yelling at Saint Peter that I want to see the manager RIGHT NOW and ask why the fuck our pets aren't immortal.
Greenwood Goat 5th Sep 2024, 1:11 PM edit delete reply
You're welcome! ♥ That's what I was hoping for!

...Aaaand that is assuming that you don't end up in the Other Place...

Satan, the Devil: SONNELION!! SPEAK TO ME!! *picks up fallen demon, watches his head break off* YOU!!! *points fiery finger at Tokyo Rose* SLAY ONE OF MINE??!! *casts stream of infernal incendiary energy at her* TAKE THAT!!! AND HIS JOB AS WELL!!

Rosa Inferna: *charges out of expanding fireball, gesticulating angrily* WHAT WAS THAT, YOU FUCKING NOSEBLEED ON LEGS?! *sees red skin and black claws on her own hands* Hey, I'm a fucking nosebleed too! *looks down* With prehensile bird feet- *feels head* horns.. and spiked crest, hair's still good- *reaches back to fluff hair* ooh, elbow spurs... and... *swings tail and spreads wings* the rest of the package!! *runs tongue around fangs* So... his job. When d'you want me to start... boss?

Satan, the Devil: You've got a fortnight to get up to speed... and round up your personal enemies among the damned. The job does have its perks. *hands her black iron tablet with burning display*

Rosa Inferna: *scrolls down list* Huh... fewer than I remember. *scrolls onto other lists* What's this? Child-rapists?!? *glows incandescent* CAT-TORTURERS???!!!! *erupts in red and blue flames which fill the cavern* I WILL BRING YOU AGONY, SHIT-HUMPING SCUM-LICKERS!!!!! *launches herself from cavern with single thunderous wingbeat*

Satan, the Devil: Mmmmm... I like her attitude. And her energy!

Later, at the Gates of Hell...

Messenger demon: Message from the deepest depths! Sonnelion, Master of Hatred and Enmity is no more! In his place stands the Demonic Lady Rosa Inferna, also to be referred to as Sweary Rose, the Mistress of Bad Language, Worse Language, and Worst Language, also Cursing, Flaming and Flame Wars. And, special to you lot, here is her guest list. *presents tablet* Anyone who turns up that's on there, take 'em to one side and out of harm's way, send word to her mansion - Chateau Cursalot - and one of her servants will fly out and pick them up.

Gate captain: *jabs finger downwards* Does that come direct from the Chief?

Messenger demon: Put it this way - if he's got issues with it, he'll take it up with her. Give her issues with you and you're dead charcoal! She took out Sonnelion before she even got her demon powers. Chauvinus, Demon Baron of Sexism, tried to confront her and "put her in her place" an hour ago. She turned him into a crispy shadow before he even got a word out. You do not want to piss her off!

Fairportfan 4th Sep 2024, 1:58 AM edit delete reply

...twenty years or so ago when a beloved furchild stepped on a rainbow {as Kinky Friedman puts it}:

They give us so much.

And they ask so little in return.

Just a little piece of your soul.
Scia 4th Sep 2024, 3:35 AM edit delete reply
Aww... I've been through that, multiple times. 😢 Sending hugs and comfort, especially to Rose. 🫂
plymayer 4th Sep 2024, 3:55 AM edit delete reply

I am so sorry for loss.

My cats send their condolences as well.
megados 4th Sep 2024, 4:56 AM edit delete reply

What a beautiful kitty. Each is unique, Each is special. It's very hard to lose even one. I am saddened by your loss, Rose. Thanks for sharing this picture.
mjkj 4th Sep 2024, 5:22 AM edit delete reply

*hugs Rose*
robnot 4th Sep 2024, 7:24 AM edit delete reply
I'm sorry grandma. LOL does Not mean 'lots of love'.
but,, in your case we will make an exception.

sets "Mimic" on floor...

for whenever you need a
sloppy puppy kiss
or a virtual (Awkward)
Centcomm 4th Sep 2024, 7:24 AM edit delete reply

lol it means lots of laughter :D
wright 4th Sep 2024, 7:44 AM edit delete reply
So sorry for your parting, Rose. I know it's never enough time, but you still had it. Bast and Sekhmet keep you both.
Thracecius 4th Sep 2024, 10:47 AM edit delete reply

I'm not a cat guy, but I have to admit, that's a cute looking cat. :)

Best wishes to Rose and Cent. Hang in there ladies, better days are coming, we just have to hold on until they arrive. *hugs*
Inigo Montoya 4th Sep 2024, 1:02 PM edit delete reply
I've gone through this, too, and I know exactly how you feel. I'm sorry, Rose.
Shotgun15 4th Sep 2024, 5:53 PM edit delete reply
Perhaps he will meet up with my Butterscotch - at the Rainbow Bridge
Sir Butterscotch Milkshake of Ripplewood - 1985-2002
I helped him into the world and held him when he left . . .
but he was in love with my wife.
Yes, we had a few words about that - but he totally ignored me.
It does hurt so much when they are sick - but relief at the of the attempts to comfort end of the suffering - knowing they are now in God's hands.
Roger on the 'Paw Prints on the Heart' thing - all 10 of them.
KarToon12 4th Sep 2024, 7:30 PM edit delete reply

I'm so sorry for your loss. :(
Vulcan 5th Sep 2024, 6:34 AM edit delete reply
They do leave a cat-shaped hole in one's heart. You have my full sympathy and condolences.

I've lost two so far, and I'm staring the imminent loss of a third in the face. It doesn't get easier with repetition.

But the alternative is to have NO cats, and that would be unbearable...
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