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Renews until 15 February 2008 the arms embargo as well as travel and financial restrictions on individuals designated by the Committee in accordance with the criteria set out in resolutions 1596 (2005), 1649 (2006) and 1698 (2006). Requests the Secretary General to re-establish the Group of Experts for a period expiring on 15 February 2008.

Extends until 10 August 2007 the arms embargo as well as travel and financial restrictions on individuals designated by the Committee in accordance with the criteria set out in resolutions 1596 (2005), 1649 (2006) and 1698 (2006). Extends the mandate of the Group of Experts until 10 August 2007.

Renews until 31 July 2007 the arms embargo as well as travel and financial restrictions on individuals designated by the Committee in accordance with the criteria set out in resolution 1596 (2005) and 1649 (2006). Extends the travel and financial measures to political and military leaders recruiting or using children in armed conflict and to individuals violating international law involving targeting of children in arms conflict. Re-establishes the Group of Experts for a period expiring on 31 July 2007. Mandates the Group of Experts, in addition to the tasks defined in resolutions 1533, 1596 and 1649 to recommend feasible and effective measures the Council might impose to prevent illegal exploitation of natural resources financing armed groups in the Eastern part of the DRC. Requests the Secretary General to present a report on the potential economic, humanitarian and social impact on the population of the DRC of implementation of possible restrictive measures on natural resources.

Re-established the Group of experts until 31 July 2006

Renews and expands travel and financial restrictions until 31 July 2006 to political and military leaders, as designated by the Committee, of foreign and Congolese armed groups impeding the disarmament reintegration of combatants.

Renews the measures until 31 July 2006 and re-established the Group of experts

Amends and expands the arms embargo imposed by resolution 1493 (2003) and imposes targeted travel and fiancial measures on individuals designated by the Committee in accordance with the criteria set out in the resolution

Renews the arms embargo imposed by resolution 1493 (2003) until 31 July 2005 and re-establishes the Group of experts for a period expiring on 31 January 2005

Establishes a Sanctions Committee to oversee the arms embargo imposed by resolution 1493 (2003) and a Group of experts to gather and analyze all relevant information in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), countries of the region and, as necessary, in other countries, connected to flows of arms and related materiel, as well as networks operating in violation of the arms embargo.

Decides that all States shall, for an initial period of 12 months, take the necessary measures to prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer of arms and any related material, and the provision of any assistance, advice or training related to military activities, to all foreign and Congolese armed groups and militias operating in the territory of North and South Kivu and of Ituri, and to groups not party to the Global and All-inclusive agreement, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.