Agency Retrospective Review Plan Report�January 2014�USDA E.O 13563 - Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review Agency/ Sub-agency USDA � Food Safety Food Safety & Inspection Service (FSIS) RIN/OMB Control No. 0583-AD39 Title of Initiative/Rule/ICR Electronic Import Inspection and Certification of Imported Products and Foreign Establishments Brief Description This rule will amend import inspection regulations to provide for the electronic transmittal of foreign establishment certificates and foreign inspection certificates. FSIS will also propose to amend its regulations to give importers the option of submitting electronic import inspection applications. Actual or Target Completion Date Final rule to publish by 4/2014. Anticipated savings in costs and /or information collection burdens The final rule, in conjunction with the Public Health Information System, will reduce the information collection burden on importers by approximately 10,000 hours. The electronic import system will also facilitate the import product foreign inspection and annual foreign establishment certifications by providing immediate and direct electronic government-to- government exchange of information; as well as exchange of information with the Customs and Border Protection system. The new business practice may be operational as early as April 2012, and the regulations will codify the changes. Progress updates and anticipated accomplishments The final rule is under development and expected to publish by April 2014. Agency/ Sub-agency FSIS RIN/OMB Control No. 0583-AD41 Title of Initiative/Rule/ICR Electronic Export Application and Certification Fee Brief Description The electronic export application and certification system will be a component of the Agency's Public Health Information System (PHIS). The export component of PHIS will be available as an alternative to the paper-based application and certification process. Actual or Target Completion Date Final rule to publish by 5/2014. Anticipated savings in costs and /or information collection burdens The final rule is expected to reduce the information collection burden. Actual amount TBD. When an electronic government-to-government system interface or data exchange is used, fraudulent transactions�, such as false alterations and reproductions will be significantly reduced, if not eliminated. Moreover, the workload of the inspection personal is reduced through the eliminationof physical handling and processing ofapplications and certificates, reducing a two stepprocess to one step. The final rule is under development and expected to publish by May 2014. Agency/ Sub-agency FSIS RIN/OMB Control No. 583-AC59 Title of Initiative/Rule/ICR Prior Labeling Approval System: Generic Label Approval Brief Description This rulemaking will continue an effort initiated several years ago by amending FSIS' regulations to expand the types of labeling that are generically approved. Actual or Target Completion Date The rulemaking has been completed. Anticipated savings in costs and/or information collection burdens The final rule is expected to reduce the information collection burden hours on industry by 34,971. The proposed rule would be beneficial because it would streamline the generic labeling process, while imposing no additional cost burden on establishments. Consumers would benefit because industry would have the ability to introduce products to the marketplace more quickly. Moreover, the change would make better use ofFSIS resources because it would reduce the number of labels required to be reviewed by the Agency. Progress updates and anticipated accomplishments The final rule was published on November 7, 2013. This rule is effective January 6,2014. Agency/ Sub-agency FSIS RIN/OMB Control No. 0583-AD32 Title of Initiative/Rule/ICR Modernization of Poultry Slaughter inspection Brief Description This rule will modernize young chicken and turkey slaughterinspection in the United States by focusing FSIS inspection resources on the areas of the poultry production system that pose the greatest risk to food safety.The new inspection system will shift the responsibility for detecting visible carcass defects from FSIS inspectors to plant employees. FSIS will continue to conduct an on-line carcass-by-carcass inspection, but FSIS inspectors will be located further down the production line, where they will be presented with carcasses that have fewer defects to inspect. Actual or Target Completion Date Final rule to publish by 4/2014 with an effective date 60 days after the publication date. Full implementation may take up to two years in plants that opt in. Anticipated savings in costs and/or information collection burdens The final rule will reduce costs bymaking better use of the Agency�s inspection resources and improving the effectiveness of inspection systems. It is also expected to reduce the risk of foodborne illness in the United States and remove unnecessary barriers to innovation. The final rule will provide the framework for action to provide public health- based inspection in all establishments that slaughter amenable poultry species. Progress updates and anticipated accomplishments The final rule is under development and expected to publish by April 2014. USDA�National Resources and Environment Agency/ Sub-agency Forest Service (FS) RIN/OMB Control No. 0596-AD01 Title of Initiative/Rule/ICR National Environmental Policy Act Efficiencies Brief Description The Forest Service is proposing to develop and provide notice and comment on the addition of new categorical exclusions (CEs) to its NEPA Regulations.These CEs, designed to expedite landscape restoration activities on National Forests, Grasslands, and Prairies, will supplement existing Agency categorical exclusions found in 36 CFR part 220.6. Actual or Target Completion Date The rulemaking has been completed. Anticipated savings in costs and/or information collection burdens Categorical exclusions will reduce cost and time commitment burden on the Agency without reducing environmental protection. Progress updates and anticipated accomplishments The final rulewas published on September 12,2013. USDA�Rural Development Agency/ Sub-agency Rural Business Services (RBS) RIN/OMB Control No. 0570-AA76 0570-0050 0570-0061 0570-0059 Title of Initiative/Rule/ICR Rural Energy America Program Brief Description The rule proposes to change the RES and EEI grant application requirements to reduce burden and streamline the application process by requesting documentation for acomplete application based on total project costs. Actual or Target Completion Date Final Rule topublish by 4/2014. Anticipated savings in costs and/or information collection burdens The final rule is expected to reduce the information collection burden. Notably, an estimated 20 percent reduction in the numberof hours it takes to complete a technical report for those applications for projects with total project costs(TPC) of more than $80,000 to $200,000; the elimination of a technical report for those applications for projects with TPC of $80,000 or less; and a 50 percent reduction in the number of hours it takes to complete the narrative portion of an application. Progress updates and anticipated accomplishments The proposed rule published April 12, 2013.The final rule is expected to publish by April 2014. 3 E.O 13563 - Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review 0575-AC91 Community Facilities Loan and Grants Update program operation in an effort to consolidate, streamline, and simplify existing processes. Final Rule to publish in December 2014. The agency is aligning its application requirements with the lending industry. As such, approximately 90 applicants each year would not be required to provide an examination opinion, which averages about $45,000 each. Hence, this change will save the public approximately $4 million a year. The proposed rule is under development and is expected to publish by February 2014. Agency/ Sub-agency RBS RIN/OMB Control No. 0570�AA85 Title of Initiative/Rule/ICR Business and Industry Loan Guaranteed Program Brief Description The proposed rule will alter the way RBS services the loan guarantees making the program operate at a lower cost. Actual or Target Completion Date Final rule to be published by 4/2015. Anticipated savings in costs and /or information collection burdens Estimated reduction in Burden up to 2,000 hours. Progress updates and anticipated accomplishments The proposed rule is pending submission to OMB for review. The proposed rule is expected to publish by April 2014. Agency/ Sub-agency Rural Housing Service RIN/OMB Control No. 0575-AC91 Title of Initiative/Rule/ICR Community Facilities Loan and Grants Brief Description Update program operation in an effort to consolidate, streamline, and simplify existing processes. Actual or Target Completion Date Final Rule to publish in December 2014. Anticipated savings in costs and /or information collection burdens The agency is aligning its application requirements with the lending industry. As such, approximately 90 applicants each year would not be required to provide an examination opinion, which averages about $45,000 each. Hence, this change will save the public approximately $4 million a year. Progress updates and anticipated accomplishments The proposed rule is under development and is expected to publish by February 2014. USDA � Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services Agency/ Sub-agency Farm Service Agency and Risk Management Agency RIN/OMB Control No. 0563-0084 Title of Initiative/Rule/ICR Acreage and Crop Reporting Streamlining Initiative Brief Description To improve and streamline the existing information collection activities currently approved by OMB by eliminating or minimizing the duplication of information collected by each of the agencies Actual or Target Completion Date Implementation is to be conducted in phases with the first phase occurring in selected counties in Kansas. Anticipated savings in costs and /or information collection burdens The final rule is expected to reduce the information collection burden. Actual amount TBD. Progress updates and anticipated accomplishments OMB cleared the information collection on March 23, 2012. For the 2013 crop year, the following USDA-wide changes have been or are in the process of being implemented: location identifiers aligned to ANSI standards; acreage reporting dates consolidation; data governance process to maintain common data standards over time; the first phase of consolidated entity types and the common USDA commodity table are in place; phased implementation of mandatory acreage reporting by Common Land Unit; Phase 1 of the USDA acreage reporting web application was available for spring 2013 acreage reporting in 4 counties in Kansas. Still underway is work to complete the consolidation of the remaining entity types; to fully incorporate the common USDA commodity table into agency processes and systems; to continue to achieve goals of annually increasing the percentage of acreage reporting by Common Land Unit; and to implement common production data elements and common production evidence standards. On going activity includes continuous Agency requests to add/edit new crops/types/intended uses to the CVT; to complete acreage reporting date change requests; and to continue work on Phase2 of the pilot web acreage reporting application, using feedback from Phase 1 participants and other lessons learned to make changes and improvements to the application. USDA�Marketing and Regulatory Programs Agency/ Sub-agency Animal Plant Health & Inspection Service (APHIS) RIN/OMB Control No. 0579-0007, 0579-0047, 0579-0070/0137, 0579-0101, 0579-0127, 0579-0137, 0579-0146, 0579-0148, 0579-0185, 0579-0189, 0579-0192, 0579-0324, 0579-0338, 0579-0367 Title of Initiative/Rule/ICR Certification, Accreditation, Registration, Permits, and other Licenses (CARPOL) Brief Description APHIS is creating a new electronic system to replace its ePermits system that will integrate programs/processes that are currently not electronic and/or part of a consolidated system. The CARPOL system will streamline all certification, accreditation, registration, permitting, and other license processes across APHIS and will communicate with other systems. Actual or Target Completion Date The Target Completion Date of the initial process delivery date is 12/2016; however, this will be an ongoing initiative. Anticipated savings in costs and /or information collection burdens APHIS anticipates both savings in cost and information collection burdens for APHIS and the public. The affected publics would be State, Local, and Tribal Governments; Businesses and Other For-Profits (small entities included); Not-for-Profits; Farms; Individuals and Households; and Foreign Federal Governments. Progress updates and anticipated accomplishments The Assessment of business practices will be an ongoing initiative to incorporate certifications, accreditations and other license processes. The Target Completion Date for completion of the permitting phase of the Assessment of business practices is 04/2014. APHIS continues to do the preparatory work associated with this initiative, but does not expect to solicit proposals this fiscal year. EO 13610: Paperwork and Reporting Burden Initiatives Agency USDA Sub-Agency FSIS Title Generic Label Approval Description of the Initiative This initiative would streamline the generic labeling process for meat and poultry by expanding the types of labeling that are generically approved. Hours of paperwork/reporting eliminated 34,971 Notes Cost savings of $8.7 million over 10 years Estimated effective date of the change The final rule was published on November 7, 2013. This rule is effective January 6, 2014. Agency USDA Sub-Agency FNS Title Direct Certification for School Meals Description of the Initiative Under the direct certification process, a local educational agency obtains documentation of a child�s receipt of SNAP benefits from the State or local program office. By eliminating the need for paper applications for many low- income families, direct certification helps to substantially reduce paperwork burden and simplify program access for participants. Hours of paperwork/reporting eliminated 113,000 Notes Not identified Estimated effective date of the change Already in effect. Agency USDA Sub-Agency APHIS Title Forms for Declaration Mandated by 2008 Farm Bill Description of the Initiative The Lacey Act amendments included in the 2008 Farm Bill require the declaration of imported plant and plant products. APHIS, in cooperation with other Federal entities, has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce the burden on importers. APHIS has been developing an electronic entry system and solicited public comment on regulatory options on several issues, including a de minimis exemption for the declaration requirement. Hours of paperwork/reporting eliminated Electronic entry system (known as Lacey Act Web Governance System or LAWGS): It is estimated that some time would be saved due to importers using templates of forms saved from previously submitted electronic entries; postage and filing fees would also be saved. De minimis exemption: The de minimis exemption would provide industry cost and time savings by eliminating the need for declarations of products with little plant material. The solicitation for comment indicated 2 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent of volume, weight, or value. If it is assumed that at least 2 percent of all declarations currently received would not be received under de minimis, the savings would be 120,000 hours (12 million anticipated under full implementation *0.02*0.5 hours per declarations) Notes Electronic entry system: cost savings to industry estimated at $1.7 million - $5.7 million [57,600 entries (those currently received in paper format) * $30 to $100 broker's fees]. The Government will incur cost of $750,000 to develop and implement the entry system. De minimis exemption: The ANPRM proposed thresholds of 2 percent, 5 percent, or 10 percent. Assuming that at least 2 percent of the number of declarations that would otherwise be filed under full implementation are exempt, the cost savings would be $7.2 million to $24 million (240,000 declarations * $30 to $100 in broker�s fees). Estimated effective date of the change Electronic entry system: September 2013: Four Industry webinars were held introducing the new system. To date, almost 300 participants representing more than 80 organizations have registered for LAWGS webinars. February 2013 to December 2013: internal testing of the system is ongoing. Winter 2014: initiate a beta test program with up to 20 industry and other stakeholders; continue, to conduct additional webinars. Late winter 2014: implementation of LAWGS, pending completion of Agency-mandated certification and accreditation of the system. De minimis exemption: As rulemaking is required, the initiative could not be implemented before 2014. The de minimis exemption would not likely be implemented if the phase-in implementation did not progress, as most plant products under the current implementation schedule are comprised of all or nearly all wood. Agency USDA Sub-Agency FSA/FLP Title Streamlined Farm Loan Programs Direct Loan Making (OMB Control # 0560-0237) Description of the Initiative Hours of paperwork/reporting eliminated Notes Estimated effective date of the change Agency Sub-Agency Title Description of the Initiative FSA�s Farm Loan Programs provide loans to family farmers to buy real estate and equipment, and finance agricultural production. FSA added a streamlined version of form FSA-2314 that will be used by some respondents. Repeat customers (borrowers) whose information has not changed will be able to use the new form, which will be streamlined and require less information and therefore less burden. The burden hours have decreased in some forms (FSA-2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006) due to lower number of responses by the current participants. Hours of paperwork/reporting eliminated Eliminated 17,898 responses and 6,271 annual burden hours Notes $162,607 cost savings for the respondents and $647,728, federal cost savings for processing by the Federal Government employees Estimated effective date of the change OMB approved the ICR for the change on October 22, 2013. Agency USDA Sub-Agency NRCS Title Conservation Delivery Streamlining Initiative (CDSI) � ClientGateway (CG) Description of the Initiative Although NRCS� Conservation Delivery Streamlining Initiative (CDSI) is not an effort focused on paperwork reduction, the new processes and technologies being implemented will result in some paperwork reduction for NRCS� clientele. Most of the efficiency gains for clients will result from the Client Gateway, which will provide an online portal that will allow customers to: - work with NRCS 24/7 at their convenience, reducing or eliminating the needs for trips to the NRCS office; - view, finalize, and electronically sign documents using remote electronic signature, eliminating the generation, processing, and management of some paper documents; and - request assistance, describe problems, obtain resource information, and check on payments in less time and with fewer steps. Other paperwork reductions will result from NRCS� implementation of mobile planning tools and other process streamlining. Hours of paperwork/reporting eliminated When CDSI is fully implemented, NRCS estimates the Initiative has the potential to substantially reduce other (non-PRA) administrative time for clients when participating in NRCS� conservation programs. While not within the scope of PRA, examples of such time savings include: 110,000 hours result from reduced travel time by clients to NRCS offices, or 40,000 hours result from reduced time interpreting and applying the simplified and consolidated documents (conservation plan, practice designs, etc.) being implemented through CDSI. Since the use of the Client Gateway is optional, there is an expectation that initial use will be small, with increasing participation each year thereafter. NRCS projects participation will be 10-20% in 2015, and grow to 75-100% by 2020. Notes Cost savings is not a primary objective of CDSI, so little or no initial cost savings will be realized. In the long term, there are information technology cost savings to NRCS associated with reducing: (1) the number of information technology legacy systems that must be maintained, (2) costs for data storage and management, and (3) costs of managing multiple duplicative physical document management systems. The design and development contract cost for Client Gateway Version 1 is $1.48M. NRCS anticipates significant lifecycle savings as usage by USDA�s external customers (farmers, etc.) increases and as USDA personnel are able to more quickly and efficiently process customer technical assistance requests and financial assistance applications. The Client Gateway results in a cost-savings for NRCS customers by reducing the number of trips customers must make to the NRCS office to participate in the Agency�s programs. Estimated effective date of the change The Client Gateway public facing web application is scheduled for nationwide implementation in calendar year 2014. The Client Gateway application will provide benefits for both NRCS employees and its clients. Other CDSI systems (Conservation Desktop and Mobile Planning Tool) and streamlined processes that will enhance the paperwork reduction are scheduled for implementation in late fiscal year 2015; and thereafter.