Okay Lara

Lara Trump, Daughter-in-Law of Worst President in Modern History, Claims Kamala Harris Isn’t “Qualified” to be V.P.

Trump blamed border crossings on Harris and said she isn’t “up to the job.”
Laura Trump President Donald Trumps daughter inlaw and member of his 2020 reelection campaign speaks on stage with Brad...
By Samuel Corum/Getty Image.

Something you may have picked up on between 2016 and 2020 is that Donald Trump was laughably unqualified to be president and didn’t get better as the years went on. In addition to having no prior relevant experience whatsoever upon entering the White House—weirdly, a failed line of steaks and vodka doesn’t count—he was almost defiantly ignorant about what the gig entailed and refused to educate himself in a way that would have benefited the country. So it’s a little rich to hear a Trump family member claim someone—anyone!—currently working in the federal government doesn’t know what they’re doing but hey, that’s them, i.e. the most un-self-aware people to walk the planet.

Over the weekend Lara Trump—wife of Eric, daughter-in-law of Donald—showed up on Justice With Judge Jeanine to chat about Joe Biden’s immigration policies and security at the southern border, and you‘ll never believe but she and host Jeanine Pirro are’t happy with the job the administration is doing. Specifically, they think Vice President Kamala Harris is to blame for illegal border crossings and in a wildly misogynistic exchange claimed Harris has no business being V.P. and was only picked for the job because she’s a woman. “I guess she assumed that she could just skirt by without doing anything,” Trump told Pirro. “I think she knew she was not prepared for this long before this moment. Don’t forget, judge, this is a woman who dropped out of the Democratic primaries before her state of California even voted, she was polling at 2%, she dropped out before Marianne Williamson even did. She knew that she could not handle this job and so then she becomes vice president, she’s told to deal with this crisis on the border, she thinks she can just laugh it off, it’s embarrassing.”

Later in the segment, Pirro proclaimed, “This is a vice president who is a woman. You and I both want women to succeed. But this looks so much like the woman is in over her head. Even in my open, I wanted to say, ‘Put on your big girl pants and stop with the giggling, stop looking like you don’t know how to answer a question.’” Pirro then asked Trump, perhaps even less qualified to offer policy advice than her father-in-law, what recommendations she would give to Harris, to which Trump responded that she had “a lot” but wasn‘t sure if she could “say them on television.” She added: “We knew that Joe Biden was going to pick a woman as his running mate because all they do is virtue signal on the left and this is the problem when that is your M.O. When you actually don’t care about their qualifications or preparedness for a job. It’s terrible for women all around. I mean, gosh, of course we could have a woman president, of course a woman could be a vice president. But let’s get a woman who is actually qualified and up to the job.”

Of course, Trump wasn’t on the show just to claim a former state attorney general and U.S. senator doesn’t have any qualifications to be vice president. She also stopped by to seemingly suggest people living at the border should shoot migrants they see crossing.

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Asked by Pirro, “What do we say to people at the southern border who feel like they’re not even part of the country anymore?” Trump responded, “It is absolutely disgusting and disgraceful to see. I don’t know what you tell the people who live at the southern border, I guess they better arm up and get guns and be ready and maybe they’re going to have to start taking matters into their own hands.” Which is perhaps an idea she got from her father-in-law, who in March 2019 openly mused about shooting migrants, and his disappointment that only “other countries” are officially allowed to do that.

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