Create Calendar Event

Enter a title for your event that will make sense to the general public. For example: "Verizon Job Fair in Northern Virginia."

Please enter the full details of your event, including any contact information (email address, phone number, website) that will help participants. You may also use the formatting options at the top of this box to adjust the look of your text and add any pertinent links.

Leave blank to use trimmed value of full text as the summary.

Please enter Location name and complete address.
For example: My Office, 1234 W. N St, Richmond, VA 23219.
(Multiple lines are allowed)

Please select the area of the state that this event is for. You can use this map as a reference:

Map of state of Virginia with divisions outlined.
Enter the date and time of this event.
For example: February 12, 10:00am - 12:00pm
If it is a recurring event or will happen at multiple dates, please note that as well.

In the box below, please add any additional information that we may need to know about. For instance, if it's a repeating event or if this is an event other than a job fair.

Your Contact Information

The information you provide below WILL NOT be included on the event page of the website.

Include extension if applicable.
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
Enter the characters shown in the image.

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