Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

Financial difficulties – individual taxpayers

If you do not pay a tax on time, you will receive a payment reminder as part of your tax summary. The reminder gives you more time to pay the tax. If you still cannot pay the tax by the due date stated in the payment reminder, you can request a payment arrangement for temporary financial difficulties.

Payment arrangements

If you have temporary financial difficulties, you can ask for a payment arrangement to get more time to pay your taxes and to decrease the size of the instalments.

Summary on tax payment status

Your summary is a statement containing information about your taxes and payments for the past month.

Public disclosure of tax debt information

If VAT, payroll withholding, or employer contributions are unpaid at the due date printed on the reminder letter and their total is at least €15,000, the tax debt will be published on the public protest list.

Tax debt register

Tax Debt Register is a public service allowing anyone to make enquiries on outstanding tax liabilities and negligence in tax return filing of all types of companies and self-employed businesses.

Certificate of paid taxes and certificate of tax debts

You can ask the Tax Administration to send you a certificate of paid taxes or a certificate of tax debts.

Recovery of taxes in cooperation with foreign countries

The Tax Administration may transfer an unpaid tax for collection in another state.

Tax relief

Tax relief can only be granted in exceptional circumstances.

Page last updated 5/26/2023