
5 Ways A Consistent Exercise Routine Made Me Truly Happy

When long-time PE refusenik Hannah Coates finally took up exercise, she was astonished by its ability to boost her mood
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Bob Stone / Conde Nast

In my previous life, no-one was less likely to write this piece than me. As someone who grew up detesting Wednesday afternoon PE lessons, I never felt that happiness came as a buy-one-get-one-free with exercise. That is until this year, when I discovered the intense physical and mental boost that comes with a consistent fitness routine, fulfilling the needs of both my tense body and my anxiety-prone mind.

I have found a robust workout routine to be even more important during the pandemic, when it became the crux of my days, and a raison d’être during some universally dark times. We have an awful lot to thank endorphins for. Here are five of the ways fitness makes me truly happy.

Community spirit

While in days gone many of us routinely went to church or spent time with neighbours, we now live lives that are infinitely more independent – and, so the stats say, lonely. Nine million of us in the UK admit to feeling lonely, and studies have proven that loneliness is often a precursor to depression. During this period of enforced separation, it has been more important than ever to seek out support systems. Before lockdown, I found my fitness family at AMP Athletic, and I now meet them every day for a Zoom workout or session in the park. It makes choosing to get up and exercise an easy decision, because I look forward to seeing people – virtually or IRL. The competition helps, too: “A significant part of the pleasure we feel in group workouts comes from measuring how successful (or otherwise) we’ve been at a task,” points out Nike master trainer Luke Worthington.

Strong body, strong mind

There’s nothing quite like knowing your body is working for you, not against you. The stronger I become physically, the more empowered and confident I feel, and the more mentally resilient I am. It’s not about being slim, it’s about taking your body to a place it hasn’t been to yet, and knowing it can achieve whatever you want it to. One area in which improvement is easiest to track is strength training, as you can monitor how much weight you can press. Since taking it up, I have found myself at the mercy of a fluctuating mood far less, and in an example of sheer mind-over-matter defiance, I can now also run non-stop for half an hour. It has taken me some time to get here, but hard work does pay off – eventually.

Endorphin highs

We’re all aware that exercising gives us endorphins, but studies now confirm that those who keep active by walking, running and/or cycling actually have fewer symptoms of depression than those who do not. If running isn’t for you, get your kicks doing other forms of cardio, like cycling. Whether you have an exercise bike at home or prefer to experience the great outdoors, pedalling in time to upbeat music can help you reach exercise nirvana.

Short-fuse control

Stress, frustration… even anger. It’s not news that a workout can take the edge off a bad mood – and I confess to occasionally seeking solace in a punch bag when the need arises. Boxing gyms JAB and Kobox both offer daily Instagram Live and IGTV sessions to follow from home – and I encourage you to walk around the house like a boxing champion in the ring afterwards.

Disconnect to reconnect

The hustle and bustle of everyday life can be all-consuming. Like many others, it’s rare for me to not have my phone at my side, and being a city dweller, sometimes it can all get a bit too much. Whether it’s an exercise class or going for a swim, even 30 minutes spent as an uncontactable human being can be bliss – I truly believe it is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Pre-lockdown I made it my mission to swim weekly, hitting the sauna afterwards sans phone, but recently, time spent walking in London’s parks has allowed me much-needed headspace, and the chance to reconnect with the world around me. 

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