【2024巴黎奧運】Tom Daley 獲得銀牌!這次他幫自己織了第5次參加奧運的紀念毛衣

【2024巴黎奧運】最會跳水的毛線王子 Tom Daley 來了!這次他幫自己織了第5次參加奧運的紀念毛衣
Mike Egerton - PA Images/Getty Images

最會跳水的毛線王子 Tom Daley 不負眾望,時隔三年,又來巴黎奧運織毛線了!還記得上屆東京奧運,Tom Daley 被拍到坐在場邊,一邊觀看比賽幫自己國家隊選手加油,一邊幫網紅法鬥狗狗織毛衣,違和又可愛的畫面曝光後引發網友熱議。

而巴黎奧運第一天,在女子花式 3 公尺跳板決賽場邊, Tom Daley 又被發現在織毛衣,他用代表法國的藍白紅三色為自己織了一件毛衣:

Great Britain's Tom Daley knitting as he watches the Women's Synchronised 3m Springboard Final at the Aquatics Centre on the first day of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games in France. Picture date: Saturday July 27, 2024. (Photo by Mike Egerton/PA Images via Getty Images)Mike Egerton - PA Images/Getty Images


Mike Egerton - PA Images/Getty Images


Great Britain's Tom Daley knitting as he watches the Women's Synchronised 3m Springboard Final at the Aquatics Centre on the first day of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games in France. Picture date: Saturday July 27, 2024. (Photo by Mike Egerton/PA Images via Getty Images)Mike Egerton - PA Images/Getty Images


Great Britain's Tom Daley knitting as he watches the Women's Synchronised 3m Springboard Final at the Aquatics Centre on the first day of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games in France. Picture date: Saturday July 27, 2024. (Photo by Mike Egerton/PA Images via Getty Images)Mike Egerton - PA Images/Getty Images

Tom Daley 在 2020 年 3 月因疫情封城期間開始學習織毛線,並培養出興趣,不僅為編織作品開了專門的 Instagram 帳號,甚至還在 2022 年10月出書《Made With Love》。Tom Daley 曾表示:「編織已經成了我尋求平靜、滿足和放鬆壓力的方式!我愛編織!」

Tom Daley 在編織粉專分享超認真的毛衣草稿:

Instagram content

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雖然 Tom Daley 的編織技能已經相當卓越,但別忘了他的本業還是名運動員!1994 年出生,今年30 歲的他已經是第五次參加奧運比賽,並已經收穫 1 金 3 銅的奧運獎牌。今年他更與賽艇選手 Helen Glover 一起單向英國隊的旗手。兩人還一起重演了《鐵達尼號》的經典場面。

Helen Glover 和 Tom Daley 擔任巴黎奧運英國隊掌旗手

Naomi Baker/Getty Images

Helen Glover 和 Tom Daley 在進場船上重現《鐵達尼號》唱面

NAOMI BAKER/Getty Images

Tom Daley 除了織毛線,他也將在台灣時間 7 月 29 日下午 5 點順道進行男子雙人 10m 跳台決賽!

【July 29, 2024】

Tom Daley 與搭擋 Noah Williams 在男子10 公尺雙人跳水比賽拿下銀牌,而他的先生Dustin也和孩子在場邊大力比讚給予支持。

Great Britain's Tom Daley and Noah Williams with their silver medals following the Men's Synchronised 10m Platform Final at the Aquatics Centre on the third day of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games in France. Picture date: Monday July 29, 2024. (Photo by Mike Egerton/PA Images via Getty Images)Mike Egerton - PA Images/Getty Images
PARIS, FRANCE - JULY 29: Silver Medalists Thomas Daley and Noah Williams of Team Great Britain stand on the podium during the Diving medal ceremony after the Men’s Synchronised 10m Platform Final on day three of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 at Aquatics Centre on July 29, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Clive Rose/Getty Images)Clive Rose/Getty Images
PARIS, FRANCE - JULY 29: Dustin Lance Black, husband of Thomas Daley, and their child are seen in attendance as they show their support during the Men’s Synchronised 10m Platform Final on day three of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 at Aquatics Centre on July 29, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Clive Rose/Getty Images)Clive Rose/Getty Images





