FANTAGIRL I am the woman I am • Fatima Mennella

FANTAGIRL, I am the woman I am • Fatima Mennella

Fantagirl it’s a project devised by brand “Fantabody" founded by Carolina Amoretti in 2015 with the aim of setting nine synergies and interactions among women starting from their native land – Milan. The photographic project was shot in collaboration with Giustina Guerrieri, a young artist working for the label who had always an interest in voicing real stories whilst exploring the boundaries of femininity. An ode to the female body, regardless of its shape and skin colour. A research that promotes embracing diversity as a starting point for addressing topics such as disability, immigration and sex work, which are approached with an inclusive, curious and prejudice-free attitude. Portrayed in her seductive uniqueness, every photographed subject has the opportunity to tell her story and reveal her nature with pride. An all-female collaboration where the protagonists are photographed by the brand’s selected photographers and interviewed in the form of an intimate exchange of anecdotes and experiences. Among the themes that are explored by the project is the desire to challenge the idea that seems to dictate that a woman affected by an illness or disability shall lose that healthy female vanity that is in every woman. However, the project also seeks to focus on the choices of those women who use their body as a work instrument in order to understand how the relation with their intimacy changes. What makes Muslim women feel beautiful? And what is the relationship with their body for Oriental women? The desire to explore the culture, habits and traditions of countries outside the western influence will take the project on a worldwide research. This is also one of the reasons why “I AM THE WOMAN I AM” sees the involvement of photographers from different nationalities and ethnic group so that they can fully express their artistic sensitivity on the basis of their cultural and social identity. #18 Interview with Fatima Mennella Photography by Carolina Amoretti Interview by Giustina Guerrieri Fatima wears Fantabody