Field of Infinity. A continuation of his Lux Noctis and Aeroglyphs series Reuben explored the landscapes of Bolivia on a...

Vital Impacts • Collect Art and Support Conservation

Field of Infinity. A continuation of his Lux Noctis and Aeroglyphs series, Reuben explored the landscapes of Bolivia on a week-long road trip, photographing in remote and extreme locations, in combination with his modified drone to illuminate the landscapes at night. Reuben Wu is a visual artist and music producer. He is also a co-founder of Ladytron and an official ambassador for Phase One. Learn more about Reuben Wu.Reuben Wu

Vital Impacts is a non-profit founded by the award-winning photographer Ami Vitale and the visual journalist Eileen Mignoni. This women-led initiative aims to raise $1 million dollars to support those protecting endangered habitats: Big Life Foundation, Jane Goodall Institute's Roots and Shoots program, Great Plains Conservation's Project Ranger and SeaLegacy. Your generous purchase of Vital Impact’s fine art prints directly supports grassroots organizations across the globe, who work tirelessly to sustain our planet. Every contribution, regardless of size, aids their critical work. 40% of net-proceeds will be given directly to the photographers to allow them to continue their critical awareness-raising conservation work. The sale ends Jan. 17, 2022.