- The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reacted to the U.S. Supreme Court’s remanding of the immunity case of Donald Trump back to the trial court — and its granting of partial immunity to the former president — with a vow to file articles of impeachment against the justices. Or one of the justices. Or at least somebody — anybody. She hasn’t yet said.

Every time Ocasio-Cortez squawks, America gets just a little bit dumber. At least, the American left does.

“The Supreme Court has become consumed by a corruption crisis beyond its control. Today’s ruling represents an assault on American democracy,” the New York Democrat wrote on X. “It is up to Congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture. I intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return.”

She didn’t name the target, or targets, or her impeachment ire. Neither did she specify the impeachable offense, or offenses. Likely, what she intends is to ride this thing through the media circus as long as possible, drawing as much attention to herself as possible, and mounting as many high horses as possible all the while expressing as much moral indignation and outrage as possible — using ‘Impeach! Impeach! Squawk! Impeach!’ as cause.

The Democrats stumbled onto the glory of “Impeach” while Trump was president — and they had so much fun with it, they impeached him not once, but twice, the second of which occurred just a few days before he was leaving the White House. Facts? Crime? Oh, those are matters for silly wabbits. Democrats only have to wine and dine their media pals and voila, here come the facts, here come the crimes.

Fresh off their Trump trail, they’re going justice hunting.

The so-called high court conservatives, which is really a code word for constitutional, or even educated, have been a particular nag of Democrats for a while now. Sen. Chuck Schumer wants them gone and has called for an unleashing of fury upon their heads. Just this week, in the wake of the immunity ruling, he labeled the body a “MAGA SCOTUS” and blasted the decision as “disgraceful.”

On X, his message read: “This disgraceful decision by the MAGA SCOTUS — which is comprised of 3 justices appointed by Trump himself — enables the former president to weaken our democracy by breaking the law. It undermines SCOTUS’s credibility and suggests political influence trumps all in our courts today.”

No. What really undermines SCOTUS’ credibility more are the liberal wing’s thought processes.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, for instance, said the immunity decision allows that a president is a “king above the law.” Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson, for example, implied our nation could be “devolving into despotism.” 

Those seem to be the talking points the Trump Derangement sufferers have seized upon to bring to the court of public opinion.

“The Framers of the Constitution envisioned a democracy governed by the rule of law and the consent of the American people,” said House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, The Hill reported. “They did not intend for our nation to be ruled by a king or monarch who could act with absolute impunity.”

Like when Barack Obama said all he needed was a “pen” and “phone” in order to govern as he willed — implying Congress, i.e., the ones governing with the “consent of the American people” — were largely unnecessary? Like then?

SCOTUS simply ruled presidents have partial immunity — substantial immunity, depending on who’s reporting — while in office. And the Democrats are up in arms because they thought for sure their golden boy Jack Smith was the one who was gonna bring Trump down and keep him from becoming president ever again. But now it seems the Jan. 6 case against Trump — the one the Democrats pulled from thin air and fashioned into some sort of charges that he staged an insurrection to stop Joe Biden from taking over the White House — yes, that one — it seems that case may have hit a bit of a snag. And by snag it’s meant flamethrower.

The lower courts are going to have to argue over what constitutes an “official action” versus nonofficial, so that Smith can then quickly pivot to label as much of his accusations against Trump as having occurred while he was acting in an “official” capacity — which won’t really matter because by then, Trump will have been elected president and taken over the White House. Again. To the absolute horror of the left.

And now it’s easy to see why the “I-word” must, must, must make an appearance now. In leftist logic, Trump’s not in office, so there’s no sense impeaching him. Next in line: the justices.

“AOC Wants to Impeach SCOTUS Justices Following Trump Immunity Ruling,” Business Insider wrote.

“AOC Says She’ll File Articles Of Impeaching Against Supreme Court,” HuffPost wrote.

“AOC calls for impeachment of Supreme Court after Trump ruling,” New York Daily News wrote.

Off with their heads! And their little dog, Toto, too. It’s story hour at the office of Ocasio-Cortez, and the fiction is flowing fast and furious. The Democrats are about to kick off a summer reading of the next of their “Impeachment” series. And nobody does a theatrical performance like the blank-eyed Ocasio-Cortez. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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