TV20 Meldon Law Scholar Athlete: Ellis Jackson (GHS)

Jackson lifts her way to success in both weightlifting and academics
Jackson dominates in both weightlifting and academics
Published: Dec. 6, 2023 at 10:58 PM EST
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GAINESVILLE, Fla. (WCJB) -” I was like oh this is something I can do, but I just obviously do it my way.”

Can’t isn’t in Ellis Jackson’s vocabulary, only do, but the GHS weightlifter isn’t just doing, she is dominating.

“Coach Bauer first came to me my freshman year and was saying we have a weightlifting team. Sophomore year comes, and I go up to him, and I’m like, ‘Hey’ I think I’ll try this out and I did, and I’ve loved it, and it’s been my passion ever since,” said Jackson.

" I saw her in the gym one day with a friend, and I saw her get up off the floor, and I thought, God, I wonder if she can do weightlifting. I’ve had multiple state champions in my days, but that’s my state champion right now,” said Stephen Bauer, GHS Head Weightlifting Coach.

Jackson has the heart of a champion when face to face with adversity.

“I was born with spina bifida, which is basically a birth defect I was born with on my spine, which, can cause paralysis,” said Jackson.

This has never stopped her from competing, Jackson has found her own way to succeed in the gym.

“Snatch and clean jerk the lifts from the ground, you obviously need drive and momentum, momentum and you get that from your legs. I’ve practiced and done and have done accessory work to try help and kind of balance that out. I’ve done my best and will continue to do my best.”

Jackson lifts an impressive 65 in the jerk, 60 in the snatch and bench presses 140. Her determination and sheer will earned her a spot to compete in districts.

" I felt good that, you know, I did a big competition like that, and just, like, the support around me from my teammates and other girls from other schools just supporting and sporting and cheering you on, so it is amazing.”

While the senior has dedicated time, practice and effort to her craft, Jackson finds true motivation through her teammates.

“Everyone’s so supportive and cheers you on and motivates you and is always, you know, just there to, you know, be your friend.”

Jackson is not only setting the standard in the gym but also in the classroom. She has a 4.2 GPA, is dual enrolled at Santa Fe College and plans to pursue a career in accounting.

“I do it my way and so and this can show that, you know, if you do have a disability or you do feel like, you know, something is holding you back, don’t let it hold you back.”

Jackson will continue to lift her way to success through life.

Ellis Jackson, Our TV20 Meldon law scholar athlete of the week.

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