Our approach and performance

We’re committed to acting with integrity and authenticity and to be transparent about what we do and how we do it.

 Three Xero employees share a laugh while meeting in an informal work space, laptops open in front of them.

Resources to download

The Xero way

Fundamental to our culture is that our people believe in our purpose which is to make life better for small businesses, their advisors and communities around the world.

The power of this purpose cannot be overstated. It provides a unifying energy that brings our people, our partners and our customers together to do their best work, and collectively we achieve great things.

We want our people to thrive and do the best work of their lives. If we can help small businesses be more successful, more jobs are created, economies strengthen, and communities flourish.

Icons for the four Xero values: make it beautiful, make it happen, make it human, and make it together.

Make it beautiful/Make it happen/Make it human/Make it together

Icons for the inputs into what we do and the outcomes, including people, customers, technology, data, social and financial.

Our material matters: materiality assessment

In FY24, we completed Xero’s third materiality assessment in accordance with the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) Framework.

This was to ensure we are continuing to identify and respond to the sustainability issues, risks and opportunities that are most material to our stakeholders to create long-term value at Xero.

The material matters for FY24 identified by the materiality assessment are set out below.

  • We assessed 21 environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters - 13 of which were deemed material to our business in FY24
  • Compared to FY23, the following four matters were not considered material in FY24: 1. Board, mgmt. composition and capabilities. 2. Remuneration, incentives and pay transparency. 3. IP & product. 4. Supporting and educating Xero's ecosystem to do good
  • No new matters were considered material for FY24

The material matters identified are grouped under four of Xero’s Inputs that are described in further detail in the ‘How Xero Creates Value’ section of our FY24 Annual Report.

If you’d like to be part of our future materiality assessments, please email us at [email protected]

More information

Xero's Annual Report 2024 outlines our performance for the year to 31 March 2024 and also includes details of our work in sustainability, and our latest gender diversity figures.

If you need more information, please email [email protected]