• 159 friends
    • 188 reviews

    Hi everyone!

    I didn't see a specific answer to my question quickly scrolling through, so I'm sorry if this is a repetitive quesiton and I missed something.

    I am trying to see if there is a reception area/restaurant that would accomodate a wedding of about 50 people in the city. I would like it to be classy but cheap (and by cheap I DON'T mean what NYMag says when just the rental cost is $3500.. um.. hello that's not even with food?) Maybe I'm not being realistic, but if anyone has tips, please send them my way!


    • Ali S.
    • Forest Hills, United States
    • 4 friends
    • 0 reviews

    This is New York City for god's sake. If you think $3,500 is too much, you should hold off on the wedding til later and save up.

    • 159 friends
    • 188 reviews

    I know it's NYC. I was more looking to see if someone recommended a restaurant they knew of that would do events and had seemed like a good deal. The recession must have hit a few places.

    • 241 friends
    • 188 reviews

    errr maybe a chinese restuarant?
    ESSEX has some good deals on their website to rent rooms, but not sure if that's what you had in mind.

    • Ali S.
    • Forest Hills, United States
    • 4 friends
    • 0 reviews

    Chinese takeout maybe

    • 159 friends
    • 188 reviews

    nm. I'm finding this frustrating and just going to ask friends in the business.

    • 241 friends
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    maybe the outer boroughs...

    • 81 friends
    • 0 reviews

    The party room off to the side of the TipTop is free.

    Just as long as they don't have a birthday party, James Brown impersonator, or a fish fry booked.

    • 84 friends
    • 167 reviews

    I think you'll find liweddings.com a lot more helpful with your question.

    • 62 friends
    • 80 reviews

    try checking out some edgewater,nj restaurants.. they have a view of the city.

    • 62 friends
    • 80 reviews

    or even better, find a park in edgewater, (forgot the name) get a permit, set up tents, and get food catered/dj/flowers/etc  there- you will have a view of the city and gwb..

    3,500 for a reception even on recession in nyc is doable... if you don't include open bar... and  if you have connections. but usual costs for reception is around 6-7k. if it weren't the recession today, you'd be paying 10-12k. and that's supposedly cheap... don't cut down on cocktail hour either.

    • 1254 friends
    • 1261 reviews

    For $3500 you can get Papa John's

    • 55 friends
    • 424 reviews

    I imagine some of the big Chinese places can provide a good show.  If you don't mind sitting at round tables and looking at thousand year eggs, consider it.

    • 2 friends
    • 0 reviews

    Well- I thought 3500.00 for 50 people was crazy... but it's really $70.00/person, not great but good- Seriously, with that money, you could go to Vegas stay at the "Bellagio" and have King "Elvis" perform your wedding ceremony- send pictures to all your family and have a stress free wedding- but hey... that's just me! If you are good with your family, after eloping they may even buy you a bunch of presents- if you still want to go through with the headache try - Holyday inn or Hampton inn Hotels

    • 194 friends
    • 195 reviews

    Seriously not trying to be an a$$, but I had to put together a drink event for about 30-40 people at work and our budget was $2,500. The best we could find were places that would just allow us to keep track of a tab and then they would let us know when we were out of cash.

    The point of the story is that if you expect to have an open bar, its almost impossible in manhattan. You have to go outer burroughs or Jersey.

    • 1 friend
    • 1 review

    If you want cheap, you'll have to do a lunch or appetizers only and not a dinner. Can't think of any places now but yeah if you want cheap, you can't do a dinner.

    • 16 friends
    • 271 reviews

    maybe a dim sum lunch or a champagne brunch reception? dinner will not be possible on $3500 budget unless you do not have drinks. remember the $70/pp needs to include 8.875% tax + 20% gratuity for staff unless you're planning to serve your guests yourself. that drops it down to $53/pp.

    • 478 friends
    • 391 reviews

    Hey Megan,

    While I do think your budget is much too low for NYC, something you could look into is small restaurants that you deem to be classy. If you are promising them business at a certain price, they may be happy to accomodate you. Usually small "mom and pop" type places are the best for this, they are more willing to negotiate. You have to remember, you have to make it worth their while to close down for lunch or brunch. If a business is hurting right now, they might be more apt to do that for you. Try small Italian places on the upper east side.

    • 3 friends
    • 4 reviews

    Are you people blind or stupid? She said she doesn't want a RENTAL fee of $3500 which does NOT include food. That IS expensive if you're trying to stay within a certain budget.

    Megan, don't let these people tell you otherwise...there are plenty of restaurants where you could packages that work out to about $60-70 per person, WITHOUT outrageous site fees. If you haven't found anything yet, please send me a message. I may be able to give you suggestions. I'm in the same boat. Want around 40 guests and not to bankrupt myself for one day.

    • 28 friends
    • 50 reviews

    Coney Island aquarium.

    • 66 friends
    • 7 reviews

    I am in a similar situation:

    So I think Brooklyn, Queens, or NJ are the best options for cheap, but you can find cheap in Manhattan if you search.

    Mamajuana in Inwood does event menus, $50/pp for a three course meal and $15/hour pp for unlimited Sangria.

    Or just find a list of restaurants that have the space requirements and a menu you like and negotiate. I am planning a wedding reception in a  restaurant and that is what we are doing. Expect about $60-75/pp.

    • 10 friends
    • 3 reviews

    Hi Megan,
    I don't know if you booked a place yet, but Cavo Cafe in astoria, queens is gorgeous, and if you have a sat or sun daytime wedding you get the whole place to yourself.  The menu is $48/p for 3 courses served buffet style, and $18/p for 5 hour house open bar.  I could not find anything cheaper, especially to get the entire space, which is huge and has a gorgeous garden.  it is very classy and not cheesy at all and the food is modern greek.  i just booked my wedding there.  the website is cavoastoria.com.

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