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    I have a reservation for June 6th at 715pm for French Laundry. It's already been paid for, and my date bailed on me so I'm going solo. Anyone interested?? I am fine going alone, but would love to share the experience with someone!

  1. Hey Isabel, are you referring to the famous French Laundry restaurant in California?
    (Sorry about your date bailing. Sounds like his loss!!!).

    • 0 friends
    • 6 reviews

    Yes! The one in Napa! Definitely his loss - hopefully someone has been dying to try it (like me) and will want to join

  2. Oh wow, that place is FAMOUS!
    You might consider posting this on the Yelp talk boards in Napa, California, as opposed to here in Vancouver. I am SURE you'll get some takers! (If I were in Napa, I'd JUMP at the chance to go there!!!!).

  3. I'd totally fight Nancy for the chance to eat there

  4. Daisy, dem's fighting words!

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