• 99 friends
    • 38 reviews

    My boss, who is stone-cold with everyone, told me that I work tirelessly and that I'm basically awesome. It was like finding out your crush likes you back.

    • Joe C.
    • Montville, United States
    • 27 friends
    • 1061 reviews

    Co-workers cleaned out the refridgerator in the company lunch room.

  1. My trainer gave me props today!

    • 99 friends
    • 38 reviews

    Ugh. There's nothing worse than a disgusting work refrigerator.

    How's your workout regime going?

  2. I'm going to be ready to increase my lap count this

  3. Summer. And by laps I mean swimming

    • 99 friends
    • 38 reviews

    Nice. I love swimming... but in crystal-clear seas. Otherwise, I have a phobia that I'm going to get snatched up.

  4. Crystal clear seas, pools and just taking a dip in some cool, salty water is all ok in my book.

  5. Jerome, so that's Ohio for you?

    • 1366 friends
    • 656 reviews

    Feeding homeless people on the subway platform with packaged lunches and hygiene products

    • 1366 friends
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    I do it 10 days a month :)

    • Joe C.
    • Montville, United States
    • 27 friends
    • 1061 reviews

    Lots of Hormel prepackaged sandwiches?

    • 99 friends
    • 38 reviews

    Good on you, Mike. God bless.

    • Ksa S.
    • Pembroke Pines, United States
    • 36 friends
    • 6 reviews

    I made homemade hair butter. It was a success! And the cleanup was easy.

    • 1366 friends
    • 656 reviews

    @Joe varying sandwich combinations with tooth paste and tooth brush

  6. How happy Nate is with his wife.

    • Ksa S.
    • Pembroke Pines, United States
    • 36 friends
    • 6 reviews

    eww @sandwich combinations with toothpaste...

    • 48 friends
    • 42 reviews

    Today I got all my paperwork confirming that I am now officially in the NRA.

    I tend to be a centrist but am very pro second amendment! Five years ago I'd never have thought I'd be joining the NRA.

    • Ksa S.
    • Pembroke Pines, United States
    • 36 friends
    • 6 reviews

    Dino's profile pic looks like someone's head is decapitated and is sitting on a table in front of him.

    • 99 friends
    • 38 reviews

    hahaha it does


    • 1366 friends
    • 656 reviews

    Lmao yes it does. Savage.

    • 2331 friends
    • 2177 reviews

    Some bourgeois finance chick broke her heel and fell running to the escalator.

    We all saw you, midwestern transplanted Barbie.

    • 99 friends
    • 38 reviews

    But did she die?

    • 2331 friends
    • 2177 reviews
    • 93 friends
    • 130 reviews

    haha thats cute Jersey N

    Hubby left me medicine to eat..because i am not feeling well. small little joys of life...

    • 48 friends
    • 42 reviews

    I ate Indian food.

    • Evelin C.
    • Brooklyn, New York, United States

    My hotline bling.

    • 99 friends
    • 38 reviews

    I've been eating like a pig lately but I weigh the same as always.

    • Ksa S.
    • Pembroke Pines, United States
    • 36 friends
    • 6 reviews

    A deep tissue massage from a hottie from the Bronx.

    • Ksa S.
    • Pembroke Pines, United States
    • 36 friends
    • 6 reviews

    ^ While in Florida.

  7. Any time you see a couple and the jealous one is always thinking that someone is trying to make moves on their S.O. Lolololol.  As if.

    • 1366 friends
    • 656 reviews

    My baby, Cleo. Every day.

    • 2331 friends
    • 2177 reviews

    "...damn she dirty."

    - ARDOR

    • 99 friends
    • 38 reviews

    Today in my class, students were discussing equality in sports (i.e. women basketball players making the same money as men basketball players) and this girl was ranting about women deserving rights when this goofball kid with a clenched fist blurts out, "They deserve lefts too!"

    It made the whole class stop arguing and we all looked at him like...


    • 258 friends
    • 542 reviews

    A nice bottle of wine.

  8. Got to watch one of my trainer's fights!!

    • 178 friends
    • 207 reviews

    my 2 year old son saying " i love you daddy"

    • Joe C.
    • Montville, United States
    • 27 friends
    • 1061 reviews
    • 2435 friends
    • 639 reviews
  9. The temperature dropping to 60 degrees. Bring on winter!

    • 159 friends
    • 2 reviews

    Heck yeah!!! Sweater weather

  10. A moldy community shower never felt so good after being covered in gold glitter all day.

    • 75 friends
    • 14 reviews

    Did he do the Fandango?

  11. I've got a new office!

  12. ^congrats, Mardory!

  13. You didn't complain when I kissed yours

  14. ^this also made me smile.

  15. Drunken or weed induced PMs sent while I'm asleep. -I love waking up to those! They make me smile for days.

  16. It's so kind of you to offers yours up, but people don't share those.

    • 803 friends
    • 766 reviews

    Honey built me super computer for Oculus. My heart melted.

    • 2331 friends
    • 2177 reviews

    BEEP!, do you know Rebecca C?

    would you like to?

    • Rob A.
    • Los Angeles, United States
  17. Some woman from Nebraska just said she wants to bang me. I ain't going to no Nebraska though

  18. Jordan is saying he's not into cornhusking.

    • Chun M.
    • Queens, New York, United States

    Jordan's going to get penetrated by a corn cob.

    • 803 friends
    • 766 reviews

    And by Midwest girl, he means Marvin.

  19. I have to agree with Jerome on this one.

    • Chun M.
    • Queens, New York, United States

    I agree with Tiff on this one.  Check to see if this is her address.  corrections.nebraska.gov…

    • 583 friends
    • 115 reviews

    I have to agree with Jerome on everything.

  20. Jerome doesn't need that kind of ego stroking.

    • Chun M.
    • Queens, New York, United States
  21. Nebraska, eh.  I guess can give it a go.

  22. This cracks me up every time:

    • Evelin C.
    • Brooklyn, New York, United States

    The MP that my best friend sent me.

  23. Who doesn't love being called a smelly whore during dinner?

  24. @ Mel... perhaps you smiled after you did this!  goo.gl/images/379kb6 (¬‿¬)

  25. It's all good, Tony. Not entirely different than the pm I got this morning that simply said "Slut".

    ::looks at camera::

  26. I was called a Whore once.

    I still want it as a tee shirt.

  27. Can someone please teach Tony how to post a gif link without putting up the whole Google search page he finds?

    • Ksa S.
    • Pembroke Pines, United States
    • 36 friends
    • 6 reviews

    I only masturbated once this week. I know its only Wednesday. Last week I didn't do it at all.

    • 803 friends
    • 766 reviews

    Use it or lose it, Ksa.

    • Ksa S.
    • Pembroke Pines, United States
    • 36 friends
    • 6 reviews

    I think I have deep feelings for someone because sex wasn't on my mind last week.

    I came in 30 seconds though. ::High fives Nadia::

    • 803 friends
    • 766 reviews
  28. Must be some DEEP feelings!!! ;)

  29. Jeremey Renner spoke to me on FB Live and asked if I was on Tinder.

    I think that was a hint but I could be wrong.

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Most Recent Posts

  1. Thnx, Jill! It was quite the rush!

    Have a great week!

    • 79 friends
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    chatting with folks in general : )
    Chatted with a new first time mom, the baby was 5 months premature and now 12 months old... she was so happy and sweet : ) my cheeks hurt afterwards because I was smiling so much and hard with her... made my day : )

    • 345 friends
    • 236 reviews

    That the New York Knicks won't win the NBA Title and where is PHIL...lol

    • Vas K.
    • Manhattan, New York, United States
    • 1 friend
    • 1 review


    ~ The theory by which inviduals are influenced positively to action (motivation) via Phil's locomotive skills.

  2. Leclerc on pole in Monaco.

    • Chun M.
    • Queens, New York, United States

    Leclerc should drive this Leclerc.

  3. Leclerc and Ferrari winning in Monaco. A Monegasque driver winning his home race for the first time.

  4. I slept well last night

    • 3 friends
    • 19 reviews

    Ducati Lenovo Team

    • 3 friends
    • 19 reviews

    ^^he is closing in on Martin but worry about Marquez climbing as well

  5. The start of the race, the first 2 corners, Pecco did something truly incredible.

    • 3 friends
    • 19 reviews

    Jumped from 5th to lead

    • 3 friends
    • 19 reviews

    Bastianini passing on last corner , wow

    • 3 friends
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    Yes it did my sweet, lol


    • 3 friends
    • 19 reviews

    Seeing the baby quail still ripping around my back yard

    • Evelin C.
    • Brooklyn, New York, United States

    My newborn nephew.

  6. Congrats Evelin!  Going to the opera cracked a smile on my face.

    • 479 friends
    • 289 reviews
    • Evelin C.
    • Brooklyn, New York, United States

    Thanks, Mardory :)!

    • Evelin C.
    • Brooklyn, New York, United States

    This weather-- is perfect.

    • Chun M.
    • Queens, New York, United States

    I'd be happier with a double rainbow cookie.

    • 479 friends
    • 289 reviews
    • Rob A.
    • Los Angeles, United States
  7. Friend took me out to lunch at a seafood place.

  8. "That was the 1,000 year storm that followed the 1,000 year storm last year." Huh? LMAO!

    • 3 friends
    • 19 reviews

    Watching some puppy rescue videos and getting misty

    • 479 friends
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    Happy Flag day! Happy Birthday U.S. Army and Happy Birthday Donald J. Trump!

  9. 3 baskets of strawberries for €3.

    • Vas K.
    • Manhattan, New York, United States
    • 1 friend
    • 1 review

    Huge ass bottles or water for (less than sign) €1

  10. Ferrari winning back-to-back Le Mans.

    • Vas K.
    • Manhattan, New York, United States
    • 1 friend
    • 1 review

    Again, bottles of water for about €1 each.

    Same water at JFK would be about $20.  Freaking 3rd world airport.

    • Chun M.
    • Queens, New York, United States

    Bottled water and drinks are amazingly cheap in Japan, even at the airport.  Vending machines have 1/2L bottles for ¥100, which is 67¢.

    • Vas K.
    • Manhattan, New York, United States
    • 1 friend
    • 1 review

    I've never been to Japan but I heard they have some interesting stuff in vending machines.

    • Jay C.
    • Beer Bottle Crossing, United States
    • 412 friends
    • 0 reviews

    I'm big in Japan

    • Ger A.
    • Barrington, United States
    • 152 friends
    • 576 reviews

    First time I had cold coffee was out of a vending machine in Japan Last millennium.

    • Chun M.
    • Queens, New York, United States

    We saw a vending machine that sold only Sriracha sauce.

    • 479 friends
    • 289 reviews

    Japan has vending machines that sell used women underwear.

    • Vas K.
    • Manhattan, New York, United States
    • 1 friend
    • 1 review

    I hitched a ride with a vending machine repairman.

    • 479 friends
    • 289 reviews

    ^way to go Jill, that feeling of accomplishment is unmatched. I know it is for me when i dive into the unknown and overcome.

  11. The results of the UK general election.

    • Rob A.
    • Los Angeles, United States
    • 479 friends
    • 289 reviews

    Got absolutely no relief from Hurricane Burrell in San Antonio. It was still 110 degrees outside.

    • Rob A.
    • Los Angeles, United States

    3-D printed homes

  12. The results of the France general election.

    • 479 friends
    • 289 reviews

    Donald J. Trump!

    • 3 friends
    • 19 reviews

    Lots o peeps giving blood today, sweet

    • 3 friends
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    Slightly embarrassed self at karaoke/trivia night. Did not register but was killing trivia. Friend that I was with went to meet other people at table. Waved me over after a few and approached table of mostly ladies. Started to chat it up while trivia ended. Was talking to table who won trivia and in a moment of unbridled excitement said that I was "eating Trivia's ass" when I noticed table staring at me. All of a sudden, women at table said " I'm trivia , I'm Trivia."
    Turned red AF , chuckled and walked back to beverage. Got hooted and laughed at until my to-go order ready . lol

  13. My colleague bought lunch today

    • 3 friends
    • 19 reviews

    Warm but humid morning walk. Plants and trees on der compound looking perky.

    • 3 friends
    • 19 reviews

    Choidary convicted , later MFer

    • 479 friends
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    The waitress at one of our go to spots in SATX, hates seeing my wife and I together. Im a papi chulo Mexican and my wife is drop dead gorgeous Irish Gringona with a massive rock on her finger. And it always chaps her ass when we go eat there.

    • Rob A.
    • Los Angeles, United States

    Quality car detail products

    • 3 friends
    • 19 reviews

    Zipping to work on scoot and cop passing me, no need to run , sweet

    • 3 friends
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    Getting off early so I could drop a few beers and watch #BritishGP

  14. A random but nice surprise!

    • 0 friends
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    • 479 friends
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    Bike riding with the kiddos in 105 degree heat!

  15. Hanging out on the rooftop in the rain.

    • 3 friends
    • 19 reviews

    See little bunnies and quails roaming around der backyard.

  16. Ferrari winning in Monza.

  17. Water time in CT

    • Renee K.
    • Manhattan, New York, United States
    • 249 friends
    • 26 reviews
  18. West Indian Day celebrations.

    • 479 friends
    • 289 reviews
    • 79 friends
    • 64 reviews

    I donated blood : )

    • Jay C.
    • Beer Bottle Crossing, United States
    • 412 friends
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    Thank you for your service

    • 91 friends
    • 142 reviews

    Coming home to a destroyed passion fruit vine but seeing two beautiful butterflies that just emerged and two more chrysalis. Gonna let the rest of caterpillars eat away. The ones after that, are game!  Lol

    • 79 friends
    • 64 reviews

    ^^ it is my honor and pleasure to donate blood.

    • Ger A.
    • Barrington, United States
    • 152 friends
    • 576 reviews

    Yum Passion fruit!
    What kind of butterflies?
    I've only seen two Monarchs this year

    • 69 friends
    • 17 reviews

    Passion fruit if yucky!!

    • 79 friends
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    Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris after presidential debate

    The singer's endorsement was signed "Childless Cat Lady."

    • Ger A.
    • Barrington, United States
    • 152 friends
    • 576 reviews

    ^ THAT. Taylor Swift has good timing!

    • 479 friends
    • 289 reviews

    Taylor swift is a dumbass, if i wanted political advice from a privileged pop star that caters to 12 year olds then i would ask but for those who know any better they see that move fir what it really is. Thats why the world don't give a chit who Taylor swift endorses.

    • 79 friends
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    Another glass ceiling broken : )

    • 3 friends
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    Little critter calling with good news for once

  19. Charles Leclerc on pole in Baku.

    • Ger A.
    • Barrington, United States
    • 152 friends
    • 576 reviews

    Super nice weekend! Pool still open

  20. All of the texts I woke up to....

    • 479 friends
    • 289 reviews

    A bakery in Philadelphia sold "Debate cookies"

    Trump's cookie sold sold over 4,000 units
    Kamala cookies only sold 357.
