• hil k.
    • San Francisco, United States
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    Creepy crawly bugs.  Crickets, roaches, beetles, etc.

    In the escalating practical joke war with my roommate, I need bugs.

    Where can I buy them?  I need specifics.  Thank you.

    • 16 friends
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    ladybugs at cole hardware.

    something like 1000 for $7.00.

    ...and why do I know this?  :-/

    • 16 friends
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    i wouldnt say those are creepy crawly though...

    • 278 friends
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    live bugs?  dunno - dead bugs: paxton gate.

    • Poe T.
    • San Francisco, United States
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    These people might know.

    I got a lead on a shit load of earwigs ,pill bugs and slugs/snails. And a few beetles.

    • hil k.
    • San Francisco, United States
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    ladybugs -- adorable insects.  Too adorable.

    But that's a good start, Tiff.  I like how you think.

    • Ari C.
    • Daly City, United States
    • 169 friends
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    My house used to have plenty of those.

    Pet stores probably have live crickets.

    • 195 friends
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    Pet stores that sell reptiles and other exotics will also sell live crickets and meal worms.  Just call around.

    • Poe T.
    • San Francisco, United States
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    Lady bugs; you can release them into your garden to prey on "bad" bugs. But it's not as simple as it sounds and you have to do some prep work to make them want to stay in your garden.

    • 18 friends
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    North Beach Pizza has lots of cockroaches...They included one with my last pasta dish, a live one too- lucky me.  You could probably load up with bugs in their kitchen and they might even pay you for taking some of them away.

    • Gil S.
    • Urban Honolulu, United States

    You could probably seed your apartment with cockroach or fly eggs.  Maybe an ant colony.  Good luck getting rid of them.

    I don't want to go all animal rights on you or anything but it does seem like a waste to buy thousands of live creatures that you mean to kill or have die as a practical joke.

    • Vu N.
    • San Jose, United States
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    fly fishermen use bugs as bait... so i suppose a good bait shop would have them?

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    The East Bay Vivarium sells crickets for food and scorpions as pets.

    • Tom P.
    • Oakland, United States
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    *buy* bugs? hell, take a walk thru a garden at nite.

    • Jim D.
    • Hayward, United States
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    Pet shops sometimes sell stuff like that as food for snakes and stuff.

    • hil k.
    • San Francisco, United States
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    Thanks for the tips.  I don't need thousands, maybe 2 or 3 will do.  Now that I think of it, plastic might work too.

    • 24 friends
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    U. C. Davis Department of Entomology. Sloat's Garden Supply will sell you earthworms and Ladybugs and others too.

    • B H.
    • San Francisco, United States
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    6th avenue aquarium, I think I saw a bag of crickets there.

    • Erin W.
    • Cape Elizabeth, United States
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    We sell 1500 Ladybugs for $7.95. We also can special order them by the gallon (30,000-50,000 lil buggers)

    Speaking of Lady bugs, they hibernate if you put them in the fridge. Most of them would die if you tossed them into the freezer.

    I agree with others that you can find feeder crickets at most pet stores.

    • 171 friends
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    Some pets stores sell live rickets.

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