• 125 friends
    • 72 reviews

    So, even with the new parking garage, it's still a nightmare to park at the JC. I live a little too far to ride a bike, and the bus won't work either. Do they still do the shuttles from the mall or other off-site parking?

    • 125 friends
    • 72 reviews

    Why would you even post, fool? Is this Phil McCracken? Phil McCrevass? Phil McGully? How about Phil Yourmouthwithafatcacksoyoushut­thefackup? Mo Booty? Seriously Phyllis? If anyone needs common sense, it's you, and I'll help you out. Don't start a battle of wits if you are unarmed, you sad sack of horse manure. Take your empty head and your empty insults and STFU until you have something helpful to say.

    • Alex C.
    • Santa Rosa, United States
    • 12 friends
    • 28 reviews

    Aaron, the reason parking is a nightmare is because too many students drive solo to school. If you carpool with 4 other people, you will take 4 cars off the parking lot battle and it will be easier to find parking. Try convincing others in your classes to carpool, and you will find that parking will become less of a nightmare. Good luck!

    As far as shuttles go, I believe I still see the shuttle bus on occasion. Try asking the staff at Admin, they are almost always helpful in pointing you to the right person who can help.

    • 125 friends
    • 72 reviews

    Awesome, thank you Alex.

    • 125 friends
    • 72 reviews

    Phil, M'Booty, really? That's what you got? I'll bet I graduated from the JC before you were born. And whining? Have you looked at your reviews? Go back to talking about your time in jail and how mean the cops are and where you like to eat when you are stoned, not to mention your racist cry-baby reviews about where you RENT. Leave the conversation to the grown ups and go back to playing video games. Troll.

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