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    Pasta Sauce Pasta Sauce Pasta Sauce Pasta Sauce Pasta Sauce Pasta Sauce Pasta Sauce Pasta Sauce Pasta Sauce Pasta Sauce

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    Office. Nice to get out of the house sometime.

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    Office is most productive

  1. Many surveys have shown it's less productive and merely more controlling. Management is often misguided in their approach.

  2. Butts in seats butts in seats

  3. Remote. Butts in seats is such an old fashioned concept especially if productivity is higher when remote. Wanting staff in the office is a reflection of the inability to manage remotely. In addition it creates a fear environment and an awful work culture. I understand some people enjoy being in the office but others are extremely productive at home. Every time I am forced into the office I get so little accomplished I play catch-up the rest of the week. Btw I have a hybrid position and it's a management choice...it is truly feeding their own egos by seeing "butts in seats". Ridiculous.

  4. But how else will we micromanage
