• 3 friends
    • 186 reviews

    Hi! I just recently noticed some of my previous reviews are missing .. like today I'm here at the Korean House ... I don't see my previous comments but i can see the pictures that I load back then.. amjust imagining it?

    • 7 friends
    • 1 review

    Check under the refrigerator

    • 112 friends
    • 34 reviews

    I see your review for the Korea House.
    It is a little skimpy but you make up for that with the pictures.


    4 photos

    2 check-ins

    Love going to this place for lunch! It's been our old time favorites food Korean. Sometimes when you go to another K-places you tend to compare and so far this one is our place to go. Although over the years prices had gone up,  the quality stay the same"

    • 3 friends
    • 186 reviews

    Thanks Lou S! Rick B !& Michael D!

  1. Damn you, Mike. I thought the pictures were skimpy. Turns out it was merely the review.

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