1. So....2021 has been rather, shall we say, sucky, and I've really missed life as it used to be. Living in a pandemic brings new kinds of challenges to everyone, and for me, the past year has been very isolating. And I've missed my Yelp community more with each passing month!

    So here's wishing 2022 is better for us all, and we can soon resume our OYE's and UYE's, and can get together in person. I'm wishing you all a happy, healthy and safe New Year!


  2. Sending my good wishes & cheers back to you, and everyone else here on Yelp.  A safe, healthy, and happy '2022' to all!!!

  3. Cheers! Happy New Year!

  4. Thank you Nancy! And we all thought 2021 was going to be the breakthrough year!!! This pandemic has been utterly merciless & takes zero prisoners!

  5. In 2022 I will go along for the ride with zero expectations!

  6. Nancy best wishes to you & yr family!!! Take care!

  7. John happy new year to you!

  8. Happy new year yelpers :) It has been challenging, I'm still holding hope for 2022.

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