China CFO Program Overview

About us

China CFO Program Overview

Step Ahead

The CFO Program is a CFO-centric strategic initiative that bring together a multidisciplinary team of senior partners and experienced professionals to help you effectively address the unique challenges and demands you experience in your role.

The Program hamesses the breadth of Deloitte’s capabilities to deliver forward thinking perspectives and fresh insights to help CFOs manage the complexities of their role, drive more value in their organization and adapt to the changing strategic shifts in the market.

Deloitte’s vision is clear: To be recognized as the pre-eminent advisor to the CFO.

CFO Program offerings

Next Generation CFO Academy: Start ahead

A unique opportunity for high performing finance or operating executives to attend a top notch academy designed for the next generation of CFOs.  This event serves as a stepping stone to help these professionals further succeed in their careers.

CFO Transition Lab: Plan ahead

A powerful one-day experience to help newly appointed CFOs make an efficient and effective transition, based on three critical resources: Time, Talent and Relationships.  We help CFOs create a tangible 180-day work plan.

CFO Vision Conference: Look ahead

Deliver a marquee event that offers CFOs the opportunity to network and gain insights and CFO-centric issues from prominent speakers in the business and political world.

CFO Forums: Stay ahead

An exclusive platform provide CFOs the opportunity to connect and discuss top of mind issues, market trends and collaborate while Deloitte facilitates and provides subject matter expertise.

CFO Insights: Think ahead

A regular publication from Deloitte trackles the timely issues that CFOs and senior finance executives face today with practical advice.


For more information, please e-mail us at [email protected].

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