You don’t let uncertainty hold you back. With each new challenge you continue to imagine, adapt, and innovate. You're built for this.



As technology advances, we crave connection more than ever. Whether it’s IoT, 5G, or vertical-market opportunities, we help you innovate, merge, converge, and connect the world in ways you never thought possible.

Lead with signature insights

Because even visionaries need to see around corners

2024 telecommunications outlook

Five key trends shaping the telecom landscape

See what’s ahead

TMT Predictions 2024

Telcos worldwide will be able to reduce their carbon footprint by 2%, or 12 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) in 2024

Read 2024 Predictions to Know More

Battle for the enterprise edge

Vying for a share of the enterprise edge computing market

Read more

5G and edge computing use cases

Enabling enterprise transformation with private 5G

Learn how

2024 telecommunications outlook

Five key trends shaping the telecom landscape

See what’s ahead

TMT Predictions 2024

Telcos worldwide will be able to reduce their carbon footprint by 2%, or 12 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) in 2024

Read 2024 Predictions to Know More

Battle for the enterprise edge

Vying for a share of the enterprise edge computing market

Read more

5G and edge computing use cases

Enabling enterprise transformation with private 5G

Learn how


We know where your industry is heading.
We’re already there.

Deloitte IndustryAdvantage equips businesses with the foresight and digital prowess needed to tackle commercial, product, and operations challenges and gain a competitive edge in the telecommunications industry.

See what we can do together

Game-changing content

5G's impact on wireless
service selection

Learn more about the importance of 5G in consumer wireless purchasing decisions—and the need for more education.

Organizations are actively looking at how 5G could help them improve productivity and grow revenue. So how can companies unlock the full potential of 5G and drive competitive advantage?

Innovating with 5G and edge computing

Why Deloitte?

Our Telecom practice brings deep sector and sub-sector knowledge and unrivaled experience to bear on every challenge, leveraging alliances with more than 60 global companies, and services. Whether we’re talking IoT, 5G, consumer usage trends, or vertical-market opportunities, we help you innovate, merge, converge and connect the world in ways you never thought possible.

Sectors we serve

Meet the team

Jana Arbanas

US Telecom, Media & Entertainment Leader

[email protected]

Francisca Villegas

US Consulting Telecom, Media & Entertainment Leader

[email protected]

Darren Wilson

US Audit Telecom, Media & Entertainment Leader

[email protected]

Janet Moran

US Tax Telecom, Media & Entertainment Leader

[email protected]

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