118: Pranayama Myths & Misconceptions: Research Roundup

Today hosts Tiffany and Katja dive into the common misconceptions around breath work and Pranayama. [...]

117: Doing the Hard Work: Community Conversations with Sarah Symons

Ahimsa or non-harming is a central value of yoga philosophy, but looking at the world [...]

116: Yoga for Menopause & Beyond: Community Conversations with Niamh Daly

Perhaps you’ve heard that menopause is having a moment. But while menopause is more present [...]

115: Who is Yin Yoga NOT For?

Any potent practice carries the potential for adverse effects, and yoga – while comparatively gentle [...]

Recalibrate Your Relationship to Resistance

By Imogen North for Om Yoga & Lifestyle Magazine. Transform Challenges Through Conscious Breathing When [...]

Can Yoga Support Gut Health? Part 2

By Imogen North for Om Yoga & Lifestyle Magazine. Yoga’s Role in Easing Digestive Distress [...]

Can Yoga Support Gut Health? Part 1

By Imogen North for Om Yoga & Lifestyle Magazine. Nurturing Gut Health Through Yoga I [...]

114: Yoga & Religion: Expert Insights with Firdose Moonda MA

“Is Yoga a religion?” is an often-asked question, and the deeper we delve into the [...]

113: Tissue Stiffness – Friend or Foe?

Today hosts Tiffany and Katja discuss a topic that is near and dear to Katja: [...]

112: Autoimmune Conditions & Yoga: Expert Insights with Dr. Nikki Tugnet

As yoga teachers, most of us will either have an autoimmune condition, or teach students [...]

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