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'''時間知覺'''({{jpingauto|si4 gaan3 zi1 gok3}};{{lang-en|'''time perception''' / '''chronoception'''}}),簡稱'''時覺''',指一個[[認知系統]]感受[[時間]]流逝嘅能力:由日常生活嘅[[觀察]]經已得知,人有能力感受時間嘅流逝,能夠一定程度上-但唔完全準確噉<ref name="whytimepassfaster">Livni E (8 January 2019). "[https://qz.com/1516804/physics-explains-why-time-passes-faster-as-you-age/ Physics explains why time passes faster as you age]". ''Quartz''.</ref>-判斷一段時間嘅長度;噉就表示[[人腦]]([[心腦同一論|人心靈嘅所在]])實係有某啲方法做計時嘅機制,所以人先會有能力對時間嘅長短作出判斷<ref name="evans2013">Evans V (2013). ''Language and time: a cognitive linguistics approach''. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.</ref><ref>Pöppel, E. (1978). ''Time perception''. In Perception (pp. 713-729). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.</ref>。
'''時間知覺'''({{jpingauto|si4 gaan3 zi1 gok3}};{{lang-en|'''time perception'''}}),簡稱'''時覺''',指一個[[認知系統]]感受[[時間]]流逝嘅能力:由日常生活嘅[[觀察]]經已得知,人有能力感受時間嘅流逝,能夠一定程度上-但唔完全準確噉<ref name="whytimepassfaster">Livni E (8 January 2019). "[https://qz.com/1516804/physics-explains-why-time-passes-faster-as-you-age/ Physics explains why time passes faster as you age]". ''Quartz''.</ref>-判斷一段時間嘅長度;噉就表示[[人腦]]([[心腦同一論|人心靈嘅所在]])實係有某啲方法做計時嘅機制,所以人先會有能力對時間嘅長短作出判斷<ref name="evans2013">Evans V (2013). ''Language and time: a cognitive linguistics approach''. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.</ref><ref>Pöppel, E. (1978). ''Time perception''. In Perception (pp. 713-729). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.</ref>。

有好多廿一世紀初嘅[[科學家]]都覺得,時間知覺同第啲[[感知]]功能比起上嚟零舍神秘:感知泛指心靈由外界嗰度接收[[資訊]]嘅認知過程,[[視覺]]同[[聽覺]]等都屬感知功能;但時間知覺就唔涉及對明確嘅物理刺激起反應-喺接收視覺資訊嗰陣,個心靈係感知緊[[光]](一種[[電磁波]]);喺接收聽覺資訊嗰陣,個心靈係感知緊[[聲]]([[介質]][[粒子]]嘅振動);而[[嗅覺]]同[[味覺]]就係對[[化學成份]]嘅感知。但時間知覺就唔同,喺身體接收到嘅物理刺激當中,冇任何一種能夠直接攞嚟代表時間。噉即係話時間知覺涉及同第啲感知零舍唔同嘅認知過程<ref name="quanta2019">[https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-the-brain-creates-a-timeline-of-the-past-20190212/ How the Brain Creates a Timeline of the Past]. ''Quanta Magazine''.</ref><ref>Allan, L. G. (1979). The perception of time. ''Perception & Psychophysics'', 26(5), 340-354.</ref>。
有好多廿一世紀初嘅[[科學家]]都覺得,時間知覺同第啲[[感知]]功能比起上嚟零舍神秘:感知泛指心靈由外界嗰度接收[[資訊]]嘅認知過程,[[視覺]]同[[聽覺]]等都屬感知功能;但時間知覺就唔涉及對明確嘅物理刺激起反應-喺接收視覺資訊嗰陣,個心靈係感知緊[[光]](一種[[電磁波]]);喺接收聽覺資訊嗰陣,個心靈係感知緊[[聲]]([[介質]][[粒子]]嘅振動);而[[嗅覺]]同[[味覺]]就係對[[化學成份]]嘅感知。但時間知覺就唔同,喺身體接收到嘅物理刺激當中,冇任何一種能夠直接攞嚟代表時間。噉即係話時間知覺涉及同第啲感知零舍唔同嘅認知過程<ref name="quanta2019">[https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-the-brain-creates-a-timeline-of-the-past-20190212/ How the Brain Creates a Timeline of the Past]. ''Quanta Magazine''.</ref><ref>Allan, L. G. (1979). The perception of time. ''Perception & Psychophysics'', 26(5), 340-354.</ref>。

[[認知科學]](cognitive science)領域嘅研究者會有興趣研究時間知覺所涉及嘅[[認知功能]]。喺科研上,時間知覺相關[[心理實驗|實驗]]最簡單嘅做法係,將受試者擺喺[[實驗室]]入面,做各種嘅[[實驗操作|操作]],然後要求受試者對「過咗幾耐時間」以及「某兩個刺激之間時間上差距幾遠」等嘅問題作出判斷,並且睇吓受試者嘅呢啲判斷會受乜因素影響或者同邊啲[[腦]]活動有[[統計相關]]。呢類實驗可以用嚟測試各種有關時間知覺嘅[[假說]]<ref name="quanta2019"/><ref>Antonides, G., Verhoef, P. C., & Van Aalst, M. (2002). Consumer perception and evaluation of waiting time: A field experiment. ''Journal of consumer psychology'', 12(3), 193-202.</ref>。
[[認知科學]]領域嘅研究者會有興趣研究時間知覺所涉及嘅[[認知功能]]。喺科研上,時間知覺相關[[心理實驗|實驗]]最簡單嘅做法係,將受試者擺喺[[實驗室]]入面,做各種嘅[[實驗操作|操作]],然後要求受試者對「過咗幾耐時間」以及「某兩個刺激之間時間上差距幾遠」等嘅問題作出判斷,並且睇吓受試者嘅呢啲判斷會受乜因素影響或者同邊啲[[腦]]活動有[[統計相關]]。呢類實驗可以用嚟測試各種有關時間知覺嘅[[假說]]<ref name="quanta2019"/><ref>Antonides, G., Verhoef, P. C., & Van Aalst, M. (2002). Consumer perception and evaluation of waiting time: A field experiment. ''Journal of consumer psychology'', 12(3), 193-202.</ref>。
== 定義 ==
== 基礎 ==
{{see also|感知|時間}}
{{see also|感知|時間}}
時覺係感受[[時間]]<ref group="註">响廿一世紀初嘅[[物理學]]上,「[[時間]]」嘅具體[[定義]]查實仲有啲爭議性。</ref>流逝嘅[[感知]](perception)功能:感知係泛指「一個[[認知系統]]由外界攞[[資訊]],從而得知外界有咩喺度」嘅[[認知功能]]-[[視覺]]涉及對[[眼]]感受外界嘅[[光]]、[[聽覺]]涉及對[[耳仔]]感受外界嘅[[聲]]([[介質]][[粒子]]嘅振動)、[[味覺]]涉及條[[脷]]上面嗰啲[[味蕾]]感受掂到嘅嘢嘅[[化學成份]]... 呀噉<ref>Takahashi, T., Oono, H., & Radford, M. H. (2008). Psychophysics of time perception and intertemporal choice models. ''Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications'', 387(8-9), 2066-2074.</ref>;由平時嘅日常觀察就可以得知,人有能力大致上噉對「兩件事件之間相隔咗幾耐時間」作出判斷,噉即係話[[人腦]]實係有某啲方法感受時間嘅流逝,人先至有可能做到呢啲噉嘅判斷<ref name="whytimepassfaster"/><ref name="evans2013"/>。
時覺[[定義]]上感受[[時間]]<ref group="註">响廿一世紀初嘅[[物理學]]上,「[[時間]]」嘅具體[[定義]]查實仲有啲爭議性。</ref>流逝嘅[[感知]]功能[[感知]]係泛指「一個[[認知系統]]由外界攞[[資訊]],從而得知外界有咩喺度」嘅[[認知功能]]-[[視覺]]涉及對[[眼]]感受外界嘅[[光]]、[[聽覺]]涉及對[[耳仔]]感受外界嘅[[聲]]([[介質]][[粒子]]嘅振動)、[[味覺]]涉及條[[脷]]上面嗰啲[[味蕾]]感受掂到嘅嘢嘅[[化學成份]]... 呀噉<ref>Takahashi, T., Oono, H., & Radford, M. H. (2008). Psychophysics of time perception and intertemporal choice models. ''Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications'', 387(8-9), 2066-2074.</ref>;由平時嘅日常觀察就可以得知,人有能力大致上噉對「兩件事件之間相隔咗幾耐時間」作出判斷,噉即係話[[人腦]]實係有某啲方法感受時間嘅流逝,人先至有可能做到呢啲噉嘅判斷<ref name="whytimepassfaster"/><ref name="evans2013"/>。
=== 時覺實驗 ===
{{see also|認知心理學|心理物理學}}
响廿一世紀初嘅[[認知心理學]]上,研究時覺最常用嘅方法係[[心理實驗]],以「受試者對[[時間長度]]嘅判斷」做[[應變數|被影響嘅變數]]:研究者會搵若干位受試者返去[[實驗室]]嗰度,要求佢哋放低[[智能手機]]或者[[手錶]]等嘅[[計時架生]],直至實驗結束為止都唔准佢哋睇呢啲架生-噉做用意係想受試者焗住要齋靠自己嘅[[人腦|腦]]嚟[[計時]];跟住研究者會一路私底下計住時,過咗一段時間後佢哋就會問受試者,要求受試者對「過咗幾耐時間」作出判斷,即係例如叫受試者嘗試講出「過咗幾多[[秒]]」<!---interval production and reproduction...---><ref name="grondin2010">Grondin, S. (2010). [https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.3758/APP.72.3.561.pdf Timing and time perception: A review of recent behavioral and neuroscience findings and theoretical directions] (PDF). ''Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics'', 72(3), 561-582.</ref>。

响廿一世紀初嘅[[認知心理學]]上,研究時覺最常用嘅方法係[[心理實驗]],以「受試者對[[時間長度]]嘅判斷」做[[應變數]]:研究者會搵若干位受試者返去[[實驗室]]嗰度,要求佢哋放低[[智能手機]]或者[[手錶]]等嘅[[計時架生]],直至實驗結束為止都唔准睇呢啲架生-噉做用意係想受試者焗住要齋靠自己嘅[[人腦|腦]]嚟[[計時]];跟住研究者會做某啲[[實驗操作]]或者[[觀察]][[自變數]]嘅數值,一路私底下計住時,過咗一段時間之後佢哋就會問受試者,要求受試者對「過咗幾耐時間」作出判斷。時覺實驗可以分做兩大種<ref>Brown, S. W., & Stubbs, D. A. (1988). The psychophysics of retrospective and prospective timing. ''Perception'', 17(3), 297-310.</ref><ref>Hicks, R. E., Miller, G. W., & Kinsbourne, M. (1976). Prospective and retrospective judgments of time as a function of amount of information processed. ''The American journal of psychology'', 719-730.</ref>-
時覺實驗仲有好多進階版本首先時覺實驗可以分做兩大種<ref>Brown, S. W., & Stubbs, D. A. (1988). The psychophysics of retrospective and prospective timing. ''Perception'', 17(3), 297-310.</ref><ref>Hicks, R. E., Miller, G. W., & Kinsbourne, M. (1976). Prospective and retrospective judgments of time as a function of amount of information processed. ''The American journal of psychology'', 719-730.</ref>-
*一種係受試者事前就知道研究者會問佢判斷時間長度(prospective timing);
*一種係受試者事前就知道研究者會問佢判斷時間長度(prospective timing);
*另一種係受試者事前唔知研究者會問佢判斷時間長度(retrospective timing);
*另一種係受試者事前唔知研究者會問佢判斷時間長度(retrospective timing);
而且時覺實驗仲可以涉及'''比較'''時間長度,即係研究者特登施加兩吓[[刺激 (心理學)|刺激]],例如先後噉播兩吓聲俾受試者聽,兩吓聲時間長度唔同(研究者暗中知嗰兩吓聲分別係幾長),再要求受試者判斷兩吓聲「分別有幾長」或者「邊吓聲長啲」。有咗呢啲研究方法,[[心理學家]]同[[神經科學家]]就可以郁手研究時覺-研究者可以做各種嘅[[實驗操作]],睇吓呢啲操作會點樣影響受試者對時間長度嘅判斷,靠噉嚟測試有關時覺嘅[[假說]],例如係用[[神經造影]]技術監察住受試者嘅[[腦活動]],睇吓邊啲[[腦區]]嘅活動同「响腦入面計時」有關<ref name="grondin2010"/>。
時覺實驗仲可以再[[廣義化]],例如係研究者特登做兩樣嘢(例:播一吓聲俾受試者聽,再喺若干時間播俾另一吓聲俾受試者聽),打後要求受試者判斷兩件事响時間上相距幾遠<ref name="grondin2010">Grondin, S. (2010). [https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.3758/APP.72.3.561.pdf Timing and time perception: A review of recent behavioral and neuroscience findings and theoretical directions] (PDF). ''Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics'', 72(3), 561-582.</ref>。

== 神經底質 ==
== 認知相關 ==
{{see also|時間統覺|鐘}}
<!---A central idea in research on time perception that is
based on the notion that there is a limited pool of attentional resources is that more attention to a nontemporal
task reduces attention to time in dual-task conditions.--->
<!--- Such a pacemaker–counter device forms the basis of many theoretical propositions. This view can be summarized as follows. The pacemaker emits pulses that are accumulated in a counter, and the number of pulses counted determines the perceived length of an interval. The reason why one makes errors in judging time depends on several factors --->

== 錯覺{{anchor|時錯覺}} ==
[[時錯覺]](temporal illusion)係指時覺上出現嘅[[錯覺]]-即係某啲會扭曲人嘅時覺嘅嘢。

== 註釋 ==
== 註釋 ==
== 神經相關 ==
{{see also|預設模式網絡}}
*[[小腦]]<ref>Keele, S. W., & Ivry, R. (1990). Does the Cerebellum Provide a Common Computation for Diverse Tasks? A Timing Hypothesis a. ''Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences'', 608(1), 179-211.</ref><ref>Ivry, R. B., Keele, S. W., & Diener, H. C. (1988). Dissociation of the lateral and medial cerebellum in movement timing and movement execution. ''Experimental brain research'', 73(1), 167-180.</ref>
*[[前額皮層]],尤其係[[背外側前額葉皮層]]<ref>Pouthas, V., George, N., Poline, J. B., Pfeuty, M., VandeMoorteele, P. F., Hugueville, L., ... & Renault, B. (2005). Neural network involved in time perception: an fMRI study comparing long and short interval estimation. ''Human brain mapping'', 25(4), 433-441.</ref>
*[[頂葉]]<ref>Danckert, J., Ferber, S., Pun, C., Broderick, C., Striemer, C., Rock, S., & Stewart, D. (2007). Neglected time: impaired temporal perception of multisecond intervals in unilateral neglect. ''Journal of cognitive neuroscience'', 19(10), 1706-1720.</ref><ref>Alexander, I., Cowey, A., & Walsh, V. (2005). The right parietal cortex and time perception: back to Critchley and the Zeitraffer phenomenon. ''Cognitive Neuropsychology'', 22(3-4), 306-315.</ref>
*[[基底核]]<ref>Harrington, D. L., & Haaland, K. Y. (1999). Neural underpinnings of temporal processing: Α review of focal lesion, pharmacological, and functional imaging research. ''Reviews in the Neurosciences'', 10(2), 91-116.</ref>

== 睇埋 ==
== 睇埋 ==

== 文獻 ==
== 文獻 ==
{{div col|style=column-count:1|small=yes}}
*Grondin, S. (2010). [https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.3758/APP.72.3.561.pdf Timing and time perception: A review of recent behavioral and neuroscience findings and theoretical directions] (PDF). ''Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics'', 72(3), 561-582.
*Le Poidevin R (Winter 2004). Zalta EN (ed.). "[https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2004/entries/time-experience/ The Experience and Perception of Time]". ''The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy''.
*Le Poidevin R (Winter 2004). Zalta EN (ed.). "[https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2004/entries/time-experience/ The Experience and Perception of Time]". ''The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy''.
*Matthews, W. J., & Meck, W. H. (2016). [https://psycnet.apa.org/fulltext/2016-24586-001.pdf Temporal cognition: connecting subjective time to perception, attention, and memory] (PDF). ''Psychological bulletin'', 142(8), 865.
*Matthews, W. J., & Meck, W. H. (2016). [https://psycnet.apa.org/fulltext/2016-24586-001.pdf Temporal cognition: connecting subjective time to perception, attention, and memory] (PDF). ''Psychological bulletin'', 142(8), 865.
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== 引咗 ==

== 拎 ==
== 拎 ==
{{Commonscat|Time perception}}
{{Commonscat|Time perception|時覺}}
*[http://www.kafalas.com/Logtime.html The Logarithmic Time Perception Hypothesis].
*{{en}} [http://www.kafalas.com/Logtime.html The Logarithmic Time Perception Hypothesis].
*[http://www.neuroquantology.com/index.php/journal/issue/view/25/showToc NeuroQuantology Special Issue: Time, Timing, and the Brain].
*{{en}} [http://www.neuroquantology.com/index.php/journal/issue/view/25/showToc NeuroQuantology Special Issue: Time, Timing, and the Brain].


喺 2024年8月17號 (六) 08:15 嘅最新修訂


時間知覺粵拼si4 gaan3 zi1 gok3英文time perception),簡稱時覺,指一個認知系統感受時間流逝嘅能力:由日常生活嘅觀察經已得知,人有能力感受時間嘅流逝,能夠一定程度上-但唔完全準確噉[1]-判斷一段時間嘅長度;噉就表示人腦人心靈嘅所在)實係有某啲方法做計時嘅機制,所以人先會有能力對時間嘅長短作出判斷[2][3]





時覺定義上係「感受時間[註 1]流逝嘅感知功能」:感知係泛指「一個認知系統由外界攞資訊,從而得知外界有咩喺度」嘅認知功能視覺涉及對感受外界嘅聽覺涉及對耳仔感受外界嘅介質粒子嘅振動)、味覺涉及條上面嗰啲味蕾感受掂到嘅嘢嘅化學成份... 呀噉[7];由平時嘅日常觀察就可以得知,人有能力大致上噉對「兩件事件之間相隔咗幾耐時間」作出判斷,噉即係話人腦實係有某啲方法感受時間嘅流逝,人先至有可能做到呢啲噉嘅判斷[1][2]





  • 一種係受試者事前就知道研究者會問佢判斷時間長度(prospective timing);
  • 另一種係受試者事前唔知研究者會問佢判斷時間長度(retrospective timing);







時錯覺(temporal illusion)係指時覺上出現嘅錯覺-即係某啲會扭曲人嘅時覺嘅嘢。


  1. 响廿一世紀初嘅物理學上,「時間」嘅具體定義查實仲有啲爭議性。








  1. 1.0 1.1 Livni E (8 January 2019). "Physics explains why time passes faster as you age". Quartz.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Evans V (2013). Language and time: a cognitive linguistics approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  3. Pöppel, E. (1978). Time perception. In Perception (pp. 713-729). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  4. 4.0 4.1 How the Brain Creates a Timeline of the Past. Quanta Magazine.
  5. Allan, L. G. (1979). The perception of time. Perception & Psychophysics, 26(5), 340-354.
  6. Antonides, G., Verhoef, P. C., & Van Aalst, M. (2002). Consumer perception and evaluation of waiting time: A field experiment. Journal of consumer psychology, 12(3), 193-202.
  7. Takahashi, T., Oono, H., & Radford, M. H. (2008). Psychophysics of time perception and intertemporal choice models. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 387(8-9), 2066-2074.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Grondin, S. (2010). Timing and time perception: A review of recent behavioral and neuroscience findings and theoretical directions (PDF). Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 72(3), 561-582.
  9. Brown, S. W., & Stubbs, D. A. (1988). The psychophysics of retrospective and prospective timing. Perception, 17(3), 297-310.
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